Pull yourself together

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You went to the main house and looked for your mom. She is the source of this mess. It all began because of that damned dinner.

"Do you see the news? Ah, I'm so proud. I don't raise you for nothing. It's all paid back now." You rolled your eyes.

"You didn't care about me at all." You cannot understand your mom. Did she hate you? Her whole life her happiness was her only priority.

"What do you mean I didn't care about you. I got you the hottest bachelor. He is the only son from a giant company. You should be grateful."

"I don't like him."

"I did not like your father either. But we fell in love after marriage and it turned out good enough for me to have two children from him." She kept repeating that story a thousand times.

"Y/n , you are home." Your dad entered the living room. You bit your lower lip, "Let's have dinner together." Your heart aches so bad to see your dad in his happy mood, thinking the things are good with Jin.

Hoseok was looking at you being quiet and dragged you out of the room, "You are a spoiled bitch. You will mess up the engagement, won't you?"

It took a while for you to gather your courage to tell Hoseok the truth, "I'm with someone else."

"You don't really have a choice, Y/n."

"I do." You insisted.

"Are you sure you want to do this to dad? Just look at how happy he is. Y/n, he is not getting any younger, you should stop giving him a lot of stress. He wishes to see you marry a man he can trust.  Why can't you do this single thing to make him happy?"

"What? Is he sick? Is his health worsening?" Your dad has a medical check up every month. They will notify him if something does not look good, right?

"He isn't not going to die, you moron. I just said dad wants you to have someone responsible to take care of you."

"Taehyung is responsible enough." This time Hoseok pulls you to your room.. He looks so mad. It scares you a little.

"It was him who slept with you that night!" He finally figured, "You are really a bitch, you know. I can't believe you lied straight to my face!"

"What should I tell you? That I sleep with Taehyung after a nice chit chat with Seokjin, is that what you want to hear?"

"YES, the truth! What is wrong with you? Just admit you've seen someone else. Is it hard to do?"

"Yes. I don't know if you'll help me or just make things worse."

"But you don't make things easy for yourself either. God, I can't believe this." You sighed. You should have told him the truth at the time but your heart was too scared.

"How long have you been seeing him?" He asked, "Is he your neighbor?"

"Just recently. Hmm, he is.."

Hoseok seems to be losing his mind, "Nothing serious then." He decided.

"Of course it is!"

"Pull yourself together, Y/n. Between your stupid love or your future. I know you. You won't stay long for any relationship."

You were very angry to hear him say that, "He is my future." You held your rage. Ready to argue with him. You really believe you love him enough as he tells you, "You are jealous of me." Because he has to marry someone your parents arrange.

"Y/n, really? You believe there is someone who loves you that much more than your dad, me, your brother?" You looked at him in disbelief.

"What's so wrong about me, so that it's hard to believe for you if anyone is in love with me?"

"Whoever you are dating, he is just using you. He is just not showing his true color yet." You know it isn't true. Taehyung is kind and gentle. He could use you if he wants to. But he never did. He is the one who keeps giving you things.

"Taehyung is nothing like anyone. You haven't met him yet. He loves your sister."

"Do that. Do whatever you want to do. But if dad collapses and it's because of you. I'll make sure you and your stupid lover won't be together for the rest of your life." He is threatening you.

"I'm your little sister. Just take my side for one time!" You yelled at him.

"I'm the one who cleans up after your messy life. I'm the one who drove you to the doctor to abort your pregnancy! Don't talk to me like I never take your side! Because I did it so many times." He pointed at you. You can't believe he said that.


"Well, I just did! Get yourself together for the engagement!"

"..." Not once did you feel like wanting to cry whenever you got into a mouth fight with Hoseok. But, this time he looked really upset and didn't mind hurting you at all.

"Y/n, listen. You are dad's favorite. I just don't want you to mess up your own life. Whatever your lover said he loves you or so. I'm your family. Dad is family. Who will you choose?" He continued.

"If you love me. If dad loves me. Why should I choose? Why can I be with someone I really care about?" Hoseok didn't answer you. He just left your room without any more words.

Mr Lee knocked on your door. Not giving you time to clear your head.

"Miss." He placed the sim card on your table, "Are you alright?"

"I wish I'm not born in this family." You took the card and left. You don't answer your mom calling for you. Your dad frowns to see you dash out from your room. He expects you to have dinner with them. It will be easier if you are just someone from a normal family. Nobody will care about who you marry. Or what did you do on your weekend? Or anything. You drive back to your apartment, locking yourself in the shower.

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