We are perfect for each other

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Seokjin didn't drive a fancy car at all. You could find a thousand cars just like his on the street. He didn't seem to try hard to impress you which, impressive in its own ways.

"Where will you take me?" You give him a chance to start conversations.

"Dinner." He replied shortly. You hate those short answers . YOU NEED DETAILS! You suggested to him several restaurants in town. You've been eating in the best places occasionally.

"You must be kidding me." He chuckled to see your response, "I'm not going to eat here."

"It's a food street. You have a lot to choose from." Seokjin opens the car door for you. You hesitantly walk out. This place is crowded. You looked at your heels and felt sorry that you had to throw all of this.

"Your father is in the fifty richest people in this country and you chose this place to date with me?"

"I'm not using his money to date you." Jin takes your hand and guides you to the crowds. The smells were actually arousing your appetite, "Hold my hand tight, okay. I don't want to lose you here." You rolled your eyes.

Seokjin looked for the place to sit first. He told you to wait here and don't move an inch. He turned his head a few times to check if you were still there.

Seokjin stopped several at hawkers. He got a full hand in no time. You can't believe you'll drool over the food. You ate so much and went to buy more by yourself.

"Why me?" You finally asked him after all the mess.

"Why you?"

"You are Prince Charming. I don't believe it for a second you want me to be your bride." First impression was legit, you sure his mother is not fond of you. Her precious son is chasing a crazy girl who got drunk and cursed her own mother. You know if it's Hoseok your mother will scratch you off the list in an instant.

"You are my rebel." He answered honestly.

"Your rebel? I'm rebelling against my parents and now I'm your rebel too?"

"My mom didn't like you." He added.

"Why?" This is clearly a stupid question.

"What do you mean why? You got that reputation." He said it in a polite tone, you didn't even feel hurt.

"Oh. Sure. I see her problem too."

"Out of people you might understand how we are tied to the world where we have to fulfill their standards. Force to continue their legacy."

"..." i guess..

"Unlike you I don't have an older brother who will continue theirs. I'm an only child." He didn't seem pleased with his life.

"You just have to enjoy the ride, like I did. My mom eventually gave up trying to make me behave. But she did give my Gucci to charity." You will bring this up over and over again.

"That's what I like about you. I think.. with you my life will be less normal..."

"That's not make sense. You should marry someone you love." You also want to marry someone you love, someone that is able to handle you, someone like Taehyung.. Let it be just Taehyung.

"I think I could love you. You are amazing." How do you tell him that he is stupid and you don't want him in my life? You can only think about Taehyung now.

"No, thanks."

"You don't get it, Y/n. We are perfect for each other."

"Umm, I can't see your point. But let's get this clear. I don't want to marry you. I just want to use you so my dad will let me back to my apartment." You straighten your point to him.

"I don't say you have to like me right away." He insisted, "You like Taehyung." He stated.

Pretend to be dumb, "Who is that?"

"You just came out from his apartment!" And it was the second time! You think you really could get away with it. Again!

"Oh, he is Taehyung?"

"Yeah, pretending to be dumb won't help you." You narrowed your eyes, well shut. He is more serious than you thought.

"How do you know each other again?" They did look like they knew each other in some awkward way...

"I already told you the other day."

"Acquaintance? He didn't look happy to see you." By your judgment.

"Well, we are not that close." He seemed uneasy about this conversation.

"Are you by any chance one of his ex-girlfriend acquaintances ?" The only guess you could make to explain the rustier meeting ever.

"Not his girlfriend. Ex Fiancé. She is married to one of my friends now."

"Ex what?" Did he just say fiancé?

"His ex fiancé used to work as a nurse in my medical center."

"Oh.." This whole time, the information about the woman you are dying to know is right here. One call away. You didn't know Taehyung at the time. And since she is married, she is out of the picture as well. You slept with him, and .. you must say the two of you just... drawn to each other. There is no serious talk about relationships yet.

"You look disappointed." He chuckled.

You know there was someone before you. But actually hearing it makes your heart ache. He loves that someone. He probably still did.

Seokjin took you home at almost midnight. You talked a lot with him. He is kind of annoying and fun at the same time.

"You don't need to walk me inside. I'm not even drunk this time."

"I'm a gentleman. I promised your dad that I'll make sure you are okay." Jin held the elevator door for you.

"Bullshit." You hissed at him.

He giggled, "I'll let you know about the next date."

"Yeah, can you not call Hoseok since you got my number now? I feel like I want to strangle him every time I see his name popping out on my phone." He usually gives you bad news. He never calls for the good one.

You saw Taehyung walking around your front door. You pushed Jin back before Taehyung saw him.


"Taehyung is waiting for me. Leave now."

"No, I'll walk you to your door."

"I'm basically in my apartment now. Leave. Just leave." You pushed him back to the elevator. You made sure Jin really reached the ground floor before running to Taehyung.

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