Bandage and Cut

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Yeontan followed you around the house. You have no idea what you could do here. You tried to clean the plate earlier but somehow you ended up breaking it to the floor. It slipped down from your hand. You cleaned those pieces of glass carefully. That's the only thing you could do right.

Or you think too fast because now you see a blood drips down from your finger.

"I'm not gonna survive if i live like this..." "Where is the bandage..?" You opened up the cabinet and drawer one by one. When you finally found one, you have to clean up the mess you made.

"This is suck."

You sat near the window but it was really boring. Yeontan laid down under the chair you sit. He looked lonely.This apartment didn't seem like it was alive. It's like no one lives here for a long time. And there was the girl's closet too in his room. Maybe he got a girlfriend or an ex. Since the clothes look untouched for a while. Your heart skipped a beat for him.

Even though Taehyung was alone he didn't easily take a chance. He is too soft.

Stop thinking about Taehyung, you scolded yourself.

You closed your eyes. Your memories were fuzzy. But last night he didn't hesitate to show you it worked. Even he rejected you like nothing after that. You kept that thought until you drifted to sleep. You should go back to the main house. Days like this could actually kill people. Hoseok was really mean.

You woke up to the dark room. You looked under the chair to make sure you didn't step on Yeontan.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm not really sleeping these days." You sit beside Yeontan who is wagging his tail in front of the door.

Suddenly the door opened and Yeontan started barking. It's Taehyung.

"Why don't you turn on the light? By any chance you can not?" He teased you.

"I just woke up." Taehyung pat your head.

Did he just pat my head just like he did to Yeontan? Am I on the same level as a dog? You got up from the floor, angry.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No. I can't cook. Unless you want me to burn down your apartment." You answered him with an angry tone, sulking.

"What happened to your hand?" This morning your fingers were all fine.

"It hurts." You sulked like a baby, "I broke your plate." "Don't worry I already clean them up properly.." You vacuumed the whole floor after searching how to use one. You are one hella smart girl! "And I will replace them, I promise."

"It's only a plate. Don't worry. How about your finger? Are you sure it's okay?" "You make sure no glass inside the cut?"

"Well.. I think it's fine.." "Do you think I need to see doctor?" You asked, earlier you don't think much of it, now you were kinda concerned.

"Let me see them.." Taehyung took his first aid kit box.

"Umm.. okay." You gave him your hand.

Taehyung opened the bandage carefully. Luckily it's only a small cut. You stared at his serious face. It looks even better up close. Fuck. He's so handsome.

"It will hurt a little." He said. Taehyung put some ointment and blow your finger carefully, "All good."  He put a new bandage on.

"It will be fine in a few days. No need to do dishes. Just put them in the sink, I'll do them later."


"Anyway, let's eat outside."

"Really? Can we eat fried chicken? I'm so hungry." You jumped from the couch. He chuckled to see your reaction. She really is a kid. She already forget about the cut on her finger.

"Sure. Let me change my clothes first."

You run to the mirror and wash your face.

You tried to braid your hair. It's still messy anyway. You looked down at Taehyung's shirt. I never went out wearing clothes like this. Ugh, can I really go with this? Well, it's not like he will take me to a fancy place or what. It's free food anyway. I'll have to pay him back later.

"Let's go." You tugged his casual shirt.

"I'm not comfortable going out with this." You admitted it shamelessly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that since you look beautiful any-"

Taehyung stopped himself.

"Let's see if I have anything else..." you followed him to his closet. He showed you several hoodies you can put to cover the shirt. You'll drown in it anyway you don't need pants.

"Can I use this one?" You pointed at a soft purple hoodie in the corner.

Taehyung massaged his pelvis.

"I'm sorry. It belongs to someone. But you can pick the other one..." He walked out the room. What just happened?

You decided to wear the black one. You can't ever go wrong with black.

Taehyung waited for you outside the door.

"You stay home, okay." He talked to Yeontan. It's so cute.

Taehyung gave you a slipper. You can tell it belonged to a girl. Let's not complain. He put a roof over your head now.

Taehyung didn't talk much as you felt now the air around him wasn't friendly either.

Is it because of the purple hoodie?

"I will go to my family house tomorrow." You told him to break the ice.

"Good. Do you want me to drive you there?" You are stunned by his offer. It was not an odd question. It's just you never receive such a kind treatment without anyone wanting anything in return. He didn't know who you were and what you were able to do. It warms your heart.

"It's a one hour drive..." you said in a low voice. It would be nice if he really wanted to.

"Don't worry about it, kid." He ruffled your hair. You glared at him.

"I'm not a kid." You fix your hair.

"The more you deny the more I'm sure."

His smile changed something within you. For the first time you feel safe around someone. Knowing he wants anything from you.

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