Chapter 4

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Ye Shaoyang ordered some takeout for dinner and ate while looking up Star City University online. This was one of the top ten universities in China. If Qin Rui had been able to test into that school, he must have been a top student.

Not long after Ye Shaoyang finished eating, the doorbell rang. He got up to answer the door, where he saw Qin Yue carrying an oversized suitcase. A youth, around 1.7 meters tall, was standing next to him.

The kid's face still had some baby fat on it, but his figure was slim. He wore a white, short-sleeved tee and jeans. His head of black hair made him look pretty sweet and well-behaved. Upon meeting Ye Shaoyang's gaze, the youth flashed a timid smile and said, "Yang-ge, I'll be intruding on you. Our school is just two stops from here. Taking public transportation is more convenient."

Weren't college students supposed to live on campus? Maybe this world was more lenient towards omegas. Ye Shaoyang politely answered, "Welcome, welcome. I'm bored at home by myself anyway. It's great that you'll be able to keep me company while you're here."

"Shaoyang," Qin Yue said. "I'll trouble you to help me take care of Ruirui, then. Ruirui has learned how to cook, and his course load is pretty light. After his classes, he can make dinner. It's healthier for the two of you to eat together at home, anyway."

"Sure!" Ye Shaoyang had just been worrying about the ramifications of ordering takeout every day. It was a good thing that his cousin knew how to cook.

Qin Yue leaned in and whispered in his younger brother's ear, "Shaoyang hasn't differentiated yet. If you detect any distinctive pheromones from him, call me immediately. Save some of your suppressants for him too, just in case. Got it?"

Qin Rui nodded obediently. "Got it, ge."

Qin Yue looked towards Ye Shaoyang and said, "I have the night shift tonight, so I'll be heading back to the hospital now. Ruirui has quite a lot of luggage, he brought a bunch of clothes. Once you guys get settled in, send me a message."

"No problem," Ye Shaoyang said. "Good night, cousin."

Once his older cousin left, Ye Shaoyang helped carry Qin Rui's luggage inside and found a pair of slippers for Qin Rui. While Qin Rui leaned down to change his shoes, Ye Shaoyang stood behind him and peered curiously at the pale nape of the youth's neck. He didn't see anything that looked like these supposed ‘omega glands' there, so they were probably hidden under the skin?

Qin Rui finished changing into his slippers and lifted his head to ask, "Yang-ge, which one is my room?"

The omega didi looked like an extremely sweet, good boy when he smiled. Probably because they were related by blood, Ye Shaoyang felt some goodwill towards him and helped him carry his luggage into a guest room. "You can take this room. Right outside, to the left, is the guest bathroom."

Qin Rui followed Ye Shaoyang into the guest room. He took a big pile of clothes out of his suitcase and started hanging them up in the closet.

Ye Shaoyang asked, "I heard your ge say you differentiated as an omega? When you differentiated, was there any discomfort?"

"My whole body felt hot, and I sweated all over. But it wasn't all that uncomfortable, besides that." Qin Rui paused for a moment. "It was pretty unexpected. That day, I was out shopping when I suddenly fainted from a fever. It was a good thing no unfamiliar alphas were around at the time. If there was an alpha, and if their self-restraint wasn't good enough, they might have marked me. That would have been a problem."

Ye Shaoyang had come across the concept of ‘marking' several times while doing his research at the hospital. But he had been skimming too quickly, and he hadn't gotten a clear idea of how exactly it worked. He couldn't help but feel curious now. "Mark? How's that done?"

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