Chapter 103

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After losing the first game, Xie Weiyu wasn't feeling so good. He took the initiative to say, “I'm sorry, it was my fault that…”

Xu Zhuo interrupted, “No need to blame yourself, no one else is blaming you. Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang hid themselves well and launched an ambush. Any other marksman would have been killed by them too.”

Xu Zhuo could say that, but the truth was that in a critical fight, Xie Weiyu had indeed fallen out of formation from the rest of his team. That had given Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang the opportunity to circle around and kill him.

The coach swiftly entered the soundproofed room to reassure everyone. “It's okay. Let's prepare for the next round.”

Xu Zhuo faintly furrowed his brow. He looked towards the coach and said, “It seems like focusing on suppressing them on the middle lane won't work. Every time we kill Ye Shaoyang, we have to pay a huge price. Tianhuan is protecting the middle lane to the death.”

The coach had watched the game from an eagle-eye view. He was more clear on what had happened than anyone else. Every time Yueying went to group up for a mid lane fight, Chi Shuo would always arrive right away to assist. Even after two 5v5 fights, Yueying hadn't gained much of an advantage.

Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang were extremely in sync as a mid/jungle duo. They would always find a way to break through together when they were fighting at a disadvantage.

Since Tianhuan was dead set on protecting the middle lane, there was no need for Yueying to die on that hill.

The coach said, “In the next game, we'll focus on breaking through on one of the outer lanes first.”

Xu Zhuo's gaze flickered as he suddenly thought of a good idea. He leaned in close to the coach's ear and whispered, “How about…”

After a few minutes of a break, the second round began.

Yueying was the blue team in this second game; they had the first ban. As before, they didn't choose to start by banning junglers or mid laners, because Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang had very deep hero pools. Banning one or two of their favored heroes was useless; they would always be able to find some combo to use.

Yueying continued to target Qin Yizhu with their first ban, once again banning his favored Black Dragon Knight. They gave their second ban to the marksman hero, the Divine Archer.

Tianhuan used their first two bans on top lane heroes—first they sealed away the Kung-Fu Master that Xu Zhuo had gotten a feel for, and then they banned the Vampiric Duke as well, because this hero was very strong in solo fights.

A commentator said, “All the mid laners and junglers have been left free again. Let's all take a look at what Yueying will lock in first?”

Yueying took a top laner first—the Willful Sword. The commentators were a bit surprised.

“This is a top lane fighter who's very strong when it comes to cutting into the enemy team's back line, a very flashy hero. He can handle himself in a 1v3 fight. It seems like in this round, Yueying wants to take the initiative to dive into fights?”

Old Qin thought for a moment, then said, “I'll take the Holy Knight, a tanky hero.”

Coach Lin nodded. “Okay. Let's lock in the Holy Knight and the Machine Gun Huntsman.”

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