Chapter 73

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Team Yaoguang had made it into the playoffs in S9, and they had been in the winner's bracket. However, Ye Shaoyang had just joined Tianhuan and started training when Yaoguang's playoffs game took place, so he hadn't gotten a chance to follow the match.

Chi Shuo took the initiative to explain, “Yaoguang is a club that was established just last year, in S8. They're backed by very wealthy investors, so they were able to pay huge sums to recruit powerful players for their starting lineup. They charged up in S8 and took second place in the domestic championships. This year, in S9, they came in fourth place. Their record is pretty good.”

Ye Shaoyang gave him a dubious look. “Then if Xie Weiyu is suddenly looking for a transfer now, is it because his contract expired?”

“That would be my guess,” Chi Shuo said. “He probably wasn't able to negotiate an extension with Yaoguang.”

When contract negotiations fell through, it was very common for a player to cut ties and run to another team. This instance was just remarkable because Xie Weiyu was an excellent marksman; regardless of which team he joined, he would definitely bring a huge power boost to his new team. Most likely, lots of teams would be fighting over the right to sign him.

Ye Shaoyang saw that Cheng Xing and the others weren't present. He lowered his voice and asked, “Will Tianhuan try to get him?”

Chi Shuo quietly answered, “If Yaoguang is letting him go, they'll definitely be asking for a huge transfer fee in order to make a big profit. Our Tianhuan isn't short on cash, that's true, but if we wanted to grab someone like that now, it just might be too late.”

Ye Shaoyang curiously asked, “Too late? You're saying, Xie Weiyu already made a private deal with another team?”

“It's possible,” Chi Shuo said. “He has a very prudent personality, so he probably found his next home before having his club publicly announce his intent to transfer.

It was midday now, when most players in the esports industry would be getting out of bed. When they opened Weibo now…

Holy shit! The backlash over Xie Weiyu's transfer was so fierce that the news was already trending!

All major teams started to discuss this matter. Zhao Xin'an, the one with the most brash personality, directly asked about it in their division's group chat.

[Reporter Zhao]: @Rain, God Yu, what's going on with you? You're suddenly transferring?

[Reporter Zhao]: [Shocked.jpg]

[Rain]: Contract expired, that's all. Don't panic~

This was a very calm, unruffled response on the surface, but not a single person missed the undercurrent behind those words. Even if his contract had expired, Team Yaoguang couldn't possibly just let their captain go without a fight. There must have been some internal conflict that couldn't be resolved between them.

All the gods of the division were watching the drama unfold. Naturally, Tianhuan's players couldn't stop themselves from gossiping either.

Qu Jiang analyzed the situation and said, “Xie Weiyu is one of the top three domestic marksmen in the league. He's pretty much on par with Xie Yuan and Zhao Xinping, but his style isn't quite the same. I feel like he's very good at seizing opportunities wherever they arise?”

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