Chapter 184

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     After the game, Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang were invited for an interview.

When the reporter saw the two handsome guys appear at the same time, she excitedly picked up the microphone and said, "Congratulations to Tianheng 31 for winning the first round of the playoffs! Welcome Shuoyue and Lieyang to the interview booth! "

Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo took the microphone and politely greeted the cameraman and reporter.

The reporter said, "In today's game, Tianheng brought out a lot of lineups that were never seen in the regular season. For example, in the first game, they used [Soul Chaser] and [Hell's Butterfly]. In the second game, they used [Sun, Moon, and Star]. In the fourth game, they used [Lord of the Abyss] as the jungler and [Sharpshooter] as the mid lane. These tactics were refreshing to the audience!"

She paused, then looked back at the two and said, "Why did Tianheng make so many changes? There were many lineups that performed well in the regular season. Wouldn't it be more stable to bring them out? "

Ye Shaoyang explained, "It's because we want to find a breakthrough and try out some new lineups. For example, a mage as the jungler and a marksman as the mid laner. The combination of the jungler and the mid laner is actually the same, but by changing positions, the opponent will not be able to guess at the BP stage, and we will have more options. "

Xie Yuan heard this and couldn't help but complain, "If we play against Tianheng in the future, we might as well give up on BP."

Fang Zhengqing agreed, "Yes, they can even change the position of the hero. We banned a bunch of junglers, but Chi Shuo used a mage as the jungler? What a waste of effort. "

Coach Chen couldn't help but sigh.

He thought back to when he first followed the live streamer Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai was still a newbie who used [Lord of the Abyss] to rush into the Chinese server. In the blink of an eye, a year had passed, and Ye Shaoyang's growth was really amazing.

Not only did he become a versatile mid laner that all mages could play, but he could even use marksmen to play in competitions. He helped the Tianhuan Squad develop a lot of tactical ideas. His combat skills, mental fortitude, and understanding of the big picture were already at the level of an international mid laner.

It was a pity that he had not been able to get Xiao Bai to join Jing Zhe Battle Team. Chi Shuo had picked him up.

Coach Chen looked at the handsome young man in the interview room and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. "If Shuoyue and Lieyang join forces, this season's world championship … Maybe we can take it back to China."

Fang Zhengqing turned to look at him and said, "Coach, are you willing to let Tianheng win the championship?"

Coach Chen said, "Even though I don't want to admit it, I have to say that the Tianhuan Squad of S10 is indeed very strong. They are even stronger than S6!"

Fang Zhengqing smiled and patted the coach on the shoulder. "It's okay. We've done our best. Let's play well in the next match. Don't have any regrets."

It was said that Alpha players were very competitive, but Fang Zhengqing's mentality had always been very "Buddhist". Compared to the other captains who were there to motivate their team members every day, Fang Zhengqing spent more of his free time playing with his cat.

Injected with chicken blood? It was impossible.

Fang Zhengqing had never been so hot-blooded. He always had a sleepy look on his face. No matter if he won or lost, he always had a "Just finish the game" attitude. He lived up to his reputation as the laziest Alpha player in the league.

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