Chapter 157

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The first round of the Battle for the Treasure Chest had officially begun.

It was different from the usual ranking where heroes were chosen from the first to fifth floor. In this Battle for the Treasure Chest, there were three teams of red, yellow, and blue on the left, bottom, and right of the competition room. In the middle, there was an open pool of heroes.

After the 10-second countdown, everyone would choose a hero at the same time. The heroes chosen by others could not be chosen again. At this time, it was a competition of hand speed.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the 10-second channeling bar and quickly locked onto the hero [Abyss Master] at the moment the channeling bar ended. Xie Weiyu locked onto [Wind Spirit], Xie Yuan took [Vampire Princess], Zhao Xinan took [Vampire Duke], and Chen Qianhua took the tank support [Radiant Shield].

The Red Team had discussed the lineup in advance, and the five of them quickly snatched the heroes.

Within a second, they pressed the confirm button.

This lineup was very comprehensive. There was a tank, a warrior, a mage, and an archer. They could both attack and defend.

On the Blue Team's side, Chi Shuo instantly locked onto [Stealth Thief], Yan Yan took [Ninja], and the Luo Divine Temple's captain, Liu Luo, took [Succubus]. Fang Zhengqing took the intrinsic hero [Cobra King], and Zhao Xinping took the warrior [Rose's Edge].

Their lineup was relatively weak, and they did not even have a tank in the front row. However, the three thorns were extremely explosive, and they could instantly kill whoever they stared at. Thorns were generally used for displacement, and were very suitable for ambushes and guerrilla warfare.

On the Yellow Team's side, Qujiang took the healing support [Forest Messenger], Li Yunmo took the protection support [Light of Blessing], Xiao En took [Dark Witch], Xu Zhuo took [Kung Fu Master], and Zhou Jiawen took [Frost Goddess].

After the three teams were chosen, the analysis masters in the bullet screen began to quickly guess the outcome — —

I think the Red Team has a high chance of winning.

This is not a tower pushing mode. The Blue Team should have an easier time snatching the Treasure Chest, right? Three thorns, instant kill, snatch the Treasure Chest and run. You can't even catch up!

I think the Yellow Team is better. With the Healer's healing and the protection of the Light of Blessing, this was a pure team battle formation. Their endurance was strong, and the 5 of them could always stay together.

When Ye Shaoyang saw this formation, he immediately said in the live chat, "Avoid fighting the Yellow Team first. They have healers and shields. They won't die even if we fight for a long time."

Chen Qianhua said, "A shield and a healer. They are indeed too tanky."

Zhao Xinan couldn't help but complain, "Team Blue is purely fragile, but they know how to turn invisible! You have to avoid being stabbed and circle around the back. "

Ye Shaoyang said, "Later, each of us will only take one treasure chest. Don't take more. Whoever takes more treasure chests will become the target of public criticism."

In this kind of competition, if you had four or five treasure chests on you, it was equivalent to having the words "I'm very fat, come and kill me" written on your forehead. In the early stages of the competition, you would develop in a low-key manner, and in the later stages of the competition, you would be able to defeat a team by surprise and snatch their treasure chests.

The bird that sticks out gets shot. Ye Shaoyang didn't want to be the "bird that sticks out".

The competition soon began. When the map was loaded, the 15 players were grouped into their respective groups. They spawned at the red, yellow, and blue respawn points, which happened to be the three triangular points of the map.

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