Chapter 146

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•Confront Again

The five Tianheng players handed over the signed postcards and bookmarks to Tang Can.

They didn't need to worry about what happened next. Tianheng Club had its own surrounding shopping malls and staff in charge of selling them. They would take care of everything.

Ye Shaoyang posted on Weibo to appease his fans: "I've already signed the autographs you guys wanted. The autographs will be randomly dropped. Everyone has a signature. [Picture] "

The fans left comments one after another: "Touch touch, do your hands hurt from signing so many?" "Yangyang's handwriting is super nice. I'm going to buy the autographs now!" "The blessing you signed is' your wish comes true '? I'm thinking of marrying you as my wife. Will that work? "

Ye Shaoyang: "..."

Of course it won't work.

These fans were getting more and more mischievous. The comments section was filled with "Yangyang is my wife." Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "I'm going to train." Then he quickly closed Weibo and focused on preparing for the next match with his teammates.

In the fourth week of the third round of the regular season, Tianheng would be facing their second last opponent in Group S, Team Yueying.

They had played against Yueying in Group A before, so they had a pretty good understanding of the team. Because Xie Weiyu had just transferred not long ago, he didn't have enough chemistry with the top laner, Xu Zhuo. In the end, Tianheng defeated Yueying in 21.

Lin Feng called everyone to the conference room and said, "The current Yueying is no longer the team that dropped back to Group A. After such a long period of competition, Xie Weiyu's condition has been adjusted very well. Their problem of being out of sync in the group battle has also been corrected. We definitely can't be careless when we play against Yueying again. "

Coach Lin singled out the few small matches that Tianheng had lost in the past for everyone to review.

"Our Tianheng has always had a winning streak from Group B to Group S. Our worst result so far is 21. We only lost a few small matches, but we still won the overall situation. All the small games that you lost had a common point. Did you notice? "

Cheng Xing looked at the replay on the big screen and took the initiative to say, "We lost one round against Jing Zhe and one round against Yueying because our marksman position was destroyed. In these two matches, my team battle damage is less than 35%. "

Lin Feng looked at him with gratification. "It seems that Little Xing is also clear in his heart. Tianheng's strongest player has always been Nakano. I'm confident that our Nakano Tandem has now reached the world-class level. Even if we face the Nakano Tandem from North America, Europe, and Korea, we still have a good chance of winning. "

He paused for a moment before changing the topic. "However, our team still has two very serious problems. First, Little Star's living environment was very difficult. His opponents knew that Tianheng's Nakano was not easy to deal with, so they would definitely target him. Archers are also the core damage output. If we die too many times, we won't be able to deal enough damage, and it'll be very difficult for us to win the team battle. "

Everyone nodded in unison to show that they understood.

Coach Lin continued, "The second point is that Old Qin's heroes change too little. He always uses tank-type heroes to protect his teammates. In the S10 season, Old Qin almost never used a warrior-type top laner, and he has never been a threat to the opposing C position."

Qin Yizhu took the initiative to admit, "Coach is right. I really don't play that well on the side."

Coach Lin said, "So, if the opposing team wants to cut our marksman, they can top, jungler, midlaner, or even marksman to run over and kill Little Xing. However, in Tianheng, we can only rely on our Nakano to kill the opposing C's. In summary, our damage output is not enough. Once Little Xing dies before the opposing team's marksman in a team battle, we'll easily lose. "

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