Chapter 141

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•Tianheng VS Soul of Ice

Only Tianheng and Soul of Ice were scheduled to compete in Group S on Saturday night. The other four teams were scheduled to compete on Sunday. Hence, no one saw the other teams backstage.

At the same time, in a hotel near the arena, Beimu, Jing Zhe, and the other teams' members gathered in their dorms to watch the live broadcast of the match. There were also many streamers on various gaming platforms who were commentating on the match.

Among them was the number one streamer on Whale Platform, Little Wei.

Little Wei and Mumu were streamers that Ye Shaoyang knew when he was a rookie. Ever since Xiao Bai became an eSports player, Little Wei had been following Tianheng's matches. Since he was free today, he started the live broadcast and commentated at the same time.

Many comments appeared in the live broadcast room.

Are you friends with Xiao Bai? Is the commentator going to praise Xiao Bai today?

Previously, when Sister Mu was commentating on the Star City bracket match, she kept praising Xiao Bai. She made me feel so embarrassed.

Xiao Bai played well. Can't she praise him?

Everyone says he's a world-class mid laner. Aren't the fans exaggerating?

Lieyang's fans are really shameless. They're already bragging that Sun and Moon can beat Korea's Choe Park team.

They haven't even gotten the trophy yet and they're already bragging about world-class mid laners. You guys are the most shameless!

Are Lieyang's fans going to soar into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?

Little Wei poured a glass of water and saw a large number of anti-fans in the live broadcast room.

He frowned and said while drinking water, "I'm close to Xiao Bai. Are you guys crazy to come here and scold him? Admin, ban this group of haters for me! "

The admin quickly took action and banned more than ten IDs.

Most of the netizens were friendly. There were only a few anti-fans who wanted to start a fight. Little White debuted on Whale Platform, so he had quite a lot of fans on this platform. Seeing those people get banned, everyone was gloating over their misfortune.

Little Wei turned on the live broadcast channel and started commentating. "Soul of Ice was last season's champion. It won't be easy for Tianheng to win today's match. I'll try my best to not be biased. If you think that I'm siding with Tianheng and deliberately stepping on Ice Spirit, you can watch the official livestream. "

A row of "we want to see you" comments popped up on the bullet screen.

It was very common for game streamers to start their own livestream commentary during important competitions. Some streamers did this to ride on the popularity of the competition. Some streamers, such as Little Wei, who was a top streamer with tens of millions of viewers, did not need to ride on the popularity of the competition. They simply wanted to watch a certain competition and chat with their viewers.

The competition was about to begin, and both teams entered the arena.

In the soundproof room, the Tianheng players connected their keyboards. The camera zoomed in on the colorful keyboards of Cheng Xing and Qujiang bottom lane duo. Little Wei also adjusted the camera and aimed it at her keyboard. She introduced it to her friends. "This keyboard is really good. I also bought a rainbow-colored one. Haha, it's pretty cool."

The netizens: "…"

It's fancy, but it looks pretty good?

The official commentator began to introduce the players from both sides. Little Wei turned off the official commentator's voice and turned on the microphone, "Ice Spirit's strongest player is the support position. Captain Chen is without a doubt the support's golden thigh! I've met him in the ranking matches before. I'm a professional marksman, and a support like Captain Chen makes me want to kneel down and call him daddy.

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