Chapter 149

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  After the match, Chi Shuo led his team members to the soundproof room to shake hands.

Xu Zhuo stood up and patted him on the shoulder. He sighed. "I thought that after Xiao Yu and I got used to each other, we would be able to beat you guys. But in the end, you guys improved faster than I expected." He looked at Qin Yizhu and said, "Especially Old Qin. His style is different now."

Qin Yizhu scratched his head in embarrassment. "I still can't beat Captain Xu in a one-on-one."

Xu Zhuo said straightforwardly, "This isn't a one-on-one game. You played well in the team battles."

Old Qin was also very happy to be recognized by the Alliance's top top laner.

Ye Shaoyang took the initiative to hug Xie Weiyu and patted him on the shoulder. He didn't say too many words of comfort. He knew that Xiao Yu didn't need to be comforted. Xie Weiyu smiled and hugged him back. A match was a match, and personal relationships were personal relationships. They all knew this very well.

Tianheng's team of five came to the big stage and bowed before leaving.

Qin Yizhu was the MVP in today's two matches. Especially in the team battles in the second match, where he flashed to the back row to kill the opposing C position. His performance was remarkable. Therefore, Qin Yizhu was invited to the post-match interview.

Qin Yizhu, who was in the interview booth for the first time, was a little restrained. He stood there with a silly smile.

The reporter handed the microphone to him. "Welcome to the interview booth, Candle! First of all, congratulations to Tianheng 21 for winning this match. Old Qin's performance in today's match was very outstanding. You even won the MVP award. This is the first time you've won the MVP award this season. Do you have anything to say to everyone? "

Qin Yizhu said seriously, "Thank you to my teammates. I was able to win the MVP because everyone cooperated well."

The reporter said, "Old Qin is quite humble. We noticed that you didn't choose the tank lane in today's match. Instead, you chose the tank lane for three consecutive matches. Is this a change in style? "

Qin Yizhu replied, "This is the arrangement of the coaching team. Because our Tianheng's top and bottom lanes are relatively weak, the coach wants us to adapt to the pressure as soon as possible so that we can prepare for future matches, so we've been training to suppress the pressure. "He paused and smiled embarrassedly." I dream of running for my life every day. "

During this period of time, not only had Little Xing been practicing hard, Old Qin had also been practicing every day. He had learned how to escape and how to cut people. He had even asked the children in Team 2 to form groups of three or four to capture him on the top lane to withstand the greatest pressure.

Therefore, it was not an exaggeration to say that he was running for his life even in his dreams.

There was a burst of laughter in the press gallery. It seemed that the nightmare training in Tianheng was indeed effective. Old Qin, who was running for his life even in his dreams, was caught several times today, but he was still able to escape with a sliver of blood.

The reporter said, "So, you're actually pretty good at playing on the sidelines, right?"

Qin Yizhu said, "As a top laner, knowing how to play as a Warrior is a basic requirement. Although my sidelines are not as good as the top top laners in the League, I can still do it if I need to. "

The reporter asked curiously, "Then, do you personally prefer tanks or warriors?"

Qin Yizhu said, "I like both. Tanks are more tanky and can last for a long time in a team fight. Warriors can play more fiercely and cut off the opposing team's C position. I'll play more defensively while fighting more offensively. I'll take whatever the coach wants me to take. "

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