Chapter 29

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Playing games and competing in professional leagues were two different concepts. Many people who were good at games were not suited for esports. Even the most skilled game streamers and the best passersby in the country might not be able to meet the requirements to be an esports player. This talent test alone would cause 99.9% of people to be stuck.

The esports arena was cruel.

Sometimes, even a 0.05 second difference in reaction time could lead to the collapse of a team battle.

The major clubs had very strict requirements for esports players. These tests were something that everyone who wanted to become an esports player had to pass. It was like a stepping stone to the esports industry.

In his previous life, Ye Shaoyang had also scored full marks in the GD team's test.

He remembered that GD's coach had told him, "Reaction speed, dynamic vision, coordination, and stability are the basic requirements to become an esports player. It's like the basic hardware configuration of a computer. If the hardware is good enough, it needs to be paired with even better software — that is, awareness of the game. "

Yes, hardware alone was not enough.

Many players who scored very well in the talent test did not become gods because their understanding of the game, judgment of the situation, and analysis of the game did not reach the same level of excellence.

No matter how good the hardware was, a computer could not run smoothly if it was loaded with a bunch of junk software.

Hardware and software always complemented each other. If the innate conditions were good enough, they still needed to deepen their understanding of the game. Overall vision, judgment, and execution — these were all nurtured later in life.

Therefore, Ye Shaoyang was not excited to get full marks in the test. There were many players who met the requirements for reaction speed and hand speed, but during the game, should they form a team? How should they lead the minions? It all depended on the player's ability to make on-the-spot decisions. As an outsider, he needed to have a deeper understanding of the game.

Ye Shaoyang stood up and took the report from Chi Shuo. He looked at it and said politely, "Thank you, Coach."

Coach Xu stared at Chi Shuo in shock and mouthed, "He called you Coach?"

Chi Shuo coughed softly and ignored Coach Xu's widened eyes. He looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Your test results are very good. In the talent test, players with five S ratings are very rare. There are no more than ten in China. "

"Is that so?" Ye Shaoyang asked seriously, "What rating do you need to be able to play professionally?"

Coach Xu came back to his senses and interjected, "You can play professionally if you get an A rating in all five tests. You passed the 11th level Dynamic Vision Test. You finished the 13th level, the most difficult level. The final suspension experiment usually requires an aperture of 3 mm, but I directly raised it to 2.5 mm for you. "

Ye Shaoyang understood and said, "It seems that my test results are not bad."

Coach Xu's eyes lit up as he took the initiative to ask, "Have you signed with a team? Why don't you come to our youth training base for a period of time and I'll personally guide you? "

Ye Shaoyang politely refused him. "I'm not considering going to the youth training camp for the time being."

Coach Xu scratched Xu turned Coach Xu's's hair. Xu Xu turned Coach to Chi Nai. He noticed that Chi Shuo's eyes were on the young man. His eyes were full of appreciation, and his gaze was much gentler than usual.

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