Chapter 183

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     After the BP session, both coaches shook hands and left the stage.

Lin Feng was all smiles when he reached out his hand, but Coach Chen's smile was obviously stiff. He had gone crazy with the jungler in the second stage against Chi Shuo, but he ended up with nothing? Chi Shuo had already chosen [Lord of the Abyss] as a jungler?

In the past, when they played Tianheng, the coaches had a headache because Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang's hero pool was too deep, and there weren't enough bans. In the future, when they played Tianheng, they had to choose a hero in Tianheng. Should they choose for Chi Shuo or Ye Shaoyang?

It was too difficult to be a coach!

Coach Chen went backstage with a bitter face.

Jing Zhe Team 2's players looked at the coach's ugly face and asked nervously, "Coach, Lieyang chose [Sharpshooter] to play against Team Fang's [Giant Monster of the North Sea]. Isn't Team Fang at a disadvantage?"

Coach Chen sighed helplessly. "Not a disadvantage, but a big one!"

As a cannon mage, [Giant Monster of the North Sea]'s biggest advantage was his long arms and high burst damage.

Because of his long attack range, he could throw out a big move from a long distance when facing other mages in the mid lane, instantly crippling or killing the opponent. During a team battle, he could also aim at the opposing team's backline and use a big move to instantly kill one of them. It was the fastest way to create a situation where they outnumbered the opponent.

[Giant Monster of the North Sea]'s nemesis was [World Destroyer], who also had a long attack range and could instantly kill people with a big move, or [Illusionist], who could instantly kill people while crouching in the grass. Coach Chen had chosen to ban these two heroes during the BP session because he hoped that Fang Zhengqing could open up the situation from the mid lane and gain an advantage.

However, Lieyang had chosen [Sharpshooter] to play the mid lane? This unexpected choice made [Giant Monster of the North Sea]'s advantage disappear. Do you have long arms? My arms are longer than yours!

Coach Chen helplessly facepalmed. "I always knew that Lieyang's hero pool was very deep, and that he could play all the mid laners, but I didn't expect that he would even dare to use [Sharpshooter] in a crucial match. Alas, this Lieyang is really unpredictable. "

Ye Shaoyang had indeed brought a lot of surprises to the Chinese competition zone … as well as a lot of fright.

Coach Chen stared at the big screen with a serious face. The members of Team 2 didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

On the contrary, in Tianheng's viewing lounge, Xie Xiaotian from Team 2 said excitedly, "During the mock competition, Brother Yang's [Sharpshooter] beat me so badly that I didn't even dare to leave the tower! Together with Captain Chi, we should be able to get 1 HP, right? "

Coach Lin smiled and said, "Watch carefully. Fang Zhengqing is not that easy to kill."

At the start of the match, Chi Shuo's Lord of the Abyss and Ye Shaoyang went to fight blue together.

This was also the first time the audience had seen [Lord of the Abyss] play the jungler position with Retribution.

Chi Shuo had been saving up shadows ever since he came out. When he arrived at the jungler area, he had already saved up three shadows.

Fang Zhengqing knew that [Lord of the Abyss] needed mana, so he also brought his teammates to fight blue at the start of the match. The two sides just happened to stagger. Qujiang and Cheng Xing blocked Xie Yuan and Li Yunmo at the bottom lane, making it easier for Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang to fight blue.

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