Chapter 54

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Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo spent three days climbing up to the King rank on the international server.

With Chi Shuo's help, Ye Shaoyang became very familiar with the Destruction Mage. After trying out a double flight comp with the Sky Mage and the Spirit Snowbird, they felt that this combination played pretty smoothly as well.

So next, the two of them continued practicing their flight comp.

The play style of a flight comp was rather extreme. When the two of them surrounded their enemies, they absolutely had to strike and kill. Only taking a kill or assist would refresh their flight skills. If they couldn't get their flight skills to come off cooldown by taking a kill or assist, it was very easy for them to crash and burn.

These two heroes were both fairly fragile. Once they fell under crowd control, it was very easy for them to turn into a mid/jungle duo who died together, painting a tragic picture of falling one after another.

The two players joined another ranked match.

They were both currently at King-rank, one star. Since King-rank games started to utilize MMRs in matchmaking, they would start to run into relatively strong opponents. The two of them had won every game on their way up to this rank, so their MMRs were very high.

In the next game, Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang were assigned to the positions of players one and two. They didn't have to worry about other teammates stealing their positions. The two of them instantly locked in the Spirit Snowbird and the Sky Mage.

Chi Shuo took a look at the enemy's team comp—Holy Knight in the top lane, Frost Goddess in the middle lane, Brawler in the jungle. These were very commonly seen heroes at this ranking. There wasn't anything new about this combination.

But Chi Shuo took special note of the bottom laners on the other team—the support was the Master Machinist, and the support was the Machine Gun Huntsman.

Chi Shuo quietly said, “That's a tower-pushing comp, The other team's bottom laners are most likely queueing together.”

This combination wasn't often seen in normal ranked matches. To play these two heroes well, the players needed a deep sense of tacit understanding. Strangers who didn't know each other would have a very hard time playing them together. People would mostly only take out this comp when they were playing in a group.

The Master Machinist could release three mechanical soldiers to take damage from defensive towers. Usually, this hero would take 'disrupt' as their basic skill, which could interfere with defensive towers and cause them to stop attacking for a brief period of time.

The Machine Gun Huntsman was the marksman with the fastest attack speed. After using his Q, he could fire off a dozen shots in a row. He could destroy a tower very quickly.

Ye Shaoyang turned and looked towards Chi Shuo. “We haven't run into professional players again, have we?”

“It's possible,” Chi Shuo said. “Our MMR is too high. It's currently the right time for night training, for teams in North America and Europe. They also have a lot of alts on the international server that they use to practice team comps.”

Ye Shaoyang eagerly said, “Then it's the perfect chance for us to get to know these international server experts.”

At the same time, in the training room at the base of American team FNO—

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