Chapter 115

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• Rank-Deciding Match


The second round in the regular season would be the rank-deciding matches to determine which teams would be promoted or demoted. The bottom two teams in Group S and the top two teams in Group A would play against each other in the rank-deciding matches. The teams with higher rankings will enter Group S while the ones with lower rankings would drop to Group A.

The reason for putting up these rank-deciding matches was to prevent situations such as amateur teams entering Group S and strong teams dropping to Group A from happening.

The Tianhuan players returned backstage and went into Team Yueying's lounge straight away after competing.

Xu Zhuo immediately walked to Chi Shuo and gave him a hug.

“Great job!” He smiled.

Ye Shaoyang went to Xie Weiyu and sat down beside him. Xie Weiyu shot a smile at him and said, “The comp you used today was pretty interesting. You won beautifully.”

Ye Shaoyang replied softly, “Our next match would be the rank-deciding match against Yaoguang.”

Xie Weiyu quickly adjusted how he was feeling and said, “I'll do my best.”

Both teams stayed at the live venue and finished watching the last match in Group S which was the match between Yaoguang and Huowen. Finally, Yaoguang lost 1-2.

The second round of the group stage matches is over,

In Group S, Yaoguang had lost four matches and won one while Langzu had lost all five matches. They were both at risk of being demoted.

In Group A, Tianhuan and Yueying were qualified for promotion.

These four teams would be separated into the 'rank-deciding zone' and played against each other.

In other words, Tianhuan would be playing against Yaoguang and Langzu, while Yueying would also be playing against Yaoguang and Langzu. The top two teams in Group A would PK with the bottom two teams in Group S respectively. This would determine the teams that would get promoted and demoted according to the number of wins and clean wins each team has at the end.

The rank-deciding match was scheduled for the next weekend. The match location was at Star City's Esports Center.

Xu Zhuo took the initiative to act as the host this time and invited everyone out for supper. Tianhuan and Yueying's players all went somewhere nearby for a hotpot. Chi Shuo, Xu Zhuo, Ye Shaoyang, and Xie Weiyu all sat at the same table.

Xu Zhuo said frankly, “Langzu was defeated consecutively five times in Group S and they don't have the strength to stay in Group S. Defeating them shouldn't be difficult. The key here is Yaoguang… Chi Shuo, what are your thoughts?”

Chi Shuo responded faintly, “In the rank-deciding match, all ranks and scores of the four participating teams would be reset. Whether a team can enter the top two would be based on the number of matches won and clean wins. It would be best if we can defeat Langzu with a 2-0 and get two clean wins; as for Yaoguang, they would get demoted without a doubt as long as both of our teams are able to defeat them.”

Xie Weiyu suddenly interrupted, “Yaoguang isn't weak at all. It's just that they didn't manage to keep up with the others' pace, so they didn't do well in Group S.”

Everyone looked back at him and although Xie Weiyu's face was pale, he spoke very firmly, “I led this team before. Yaoguang's top laner and mid laner are all outstanding players. As for the marksman Yu'mao who was signed on this season, although…”

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