Chapter 136

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•Positional Warfare

   The first round of BP ended quickly. In the end, Tianheng's top laner was [Paladin], who had a strong resistance to pressure. The support was [Time Traveler], [Time Traveler], and the remaining jungler, mid laner, and archer were the classic positional warfare system [Trap Hunter], [Flame Goddess], and [Cannon Hand].

The jungler [King of Fighters] was capable of crowd control and explosive power. The mid laner [Goddess of Destiny] was also capable of insta-killing with one set of explosive power. As for the remaining three positions, the bottom laner was the classic [Forest Messenger] + [Holy Spirit Archer] combination. The top laner was the warrior hero [Vampire Duke] who had the ability to cut people apart.

The commentator analyzed, "Usually, Fire Mark likes to use [Forest Messenger] as a support in positional warfare. They stand together and heal, and there are traps and fire circles everywhere. The opponent can't get through at all, and the healers can heal. In a team battle, the more you fight, the more health you gain. This is also the strength of positional warfare."

"But Tianheng has chosen [Time Traveler] as a support. This support also has the ability to heal. However, the healing from Time Travel is to heal teammates back to 2 seconds ago, which is equivalent to avoiding the opponent's key skills."

"Fire Mark's lineup for this round is very fierce. The top laner, jungler, and mid laner all have the ability to go around and kill people. Obviously, they will keep an eye on Tianheng's two tanks. As long as they kill one of them, they can break the positional warfare system. Tianheng's top laner and support can protect the two tanks from being killed. It will depend on who can find the opportunity first. "

"Both players are ready. Let's enter the first round of Tianheng vs Fire Mark!"

The match officially began.

[Trap Hunter] could only appear in a specific system and couldn't be taken alone. His damage output was relatively weak, and his control of traps was unstable. He needed to cooperate with his teammates.

But the advantage was that his jungle was not easy to be invaded by opponents.

As long as he placed some traps at the narrow crossroads of the jungle, the opponent would be trapped by the traps if they wanted to fight back. If his teammates supported him in time, it would be easy to kill the opponent.

Zhou Jiawen obviously knew that [Trap Hunter] was like a hedgehog and was not easy to bully. Therefore, Fire Mark did not choose to invade in the early stages. They cleared their own buffs first and let the support check the vision to determine Chi Shuo's movement path.

The support said, "The other side is going wild, Blue Open."

If it was Lan Kai, he would first farm the blue buffs and minions in the first half of the map, then farm the red buffs and minions in the second half of the map. In that case, Chi Shuo would appear in the bottom lane when he reached level 6.

Zhou Jiawen gave a warning signal at the bottom lane. "Pay attention to your vision. Archers, be careful not to get caught."

At the same time, Qujiang also reported the position of the opposing jungler. "The King of Fighters is Red Kai."

Our jungle and the opponent's jungle were like mirror images. The direction was opposite. Our blue BUFF corresponded to the opponent's red BUFF. The King of Fighters hit red first, which meant that his movement path was the same as Chi Shuo's.

Not long after the game started, the junglers from both sides met in the middle lane and fought for the first river crab.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang was already Level 2 and had learned two skills, Q and W. When he saw the opponent's jungler appear, he decisively placed a W. Fire Wall next to River Crab, blocking the opponent's path. Following that, he used his explosive hand speed to create a circle of fire — —

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