Chapter 181

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     Coach Lin walked into the soundproof room with a smile on his face. After winning the first game, the rest of the BP would be much easier. He looked at his team members and said, "We are the red team for the second game, so we can pick a pair of combos. Do you want to pick the jungler or the archer?"

Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang looked at each other and said at the same time, "Let's pick the bottom lane."

They had picked the jungler in the first game because they wanted to play the stalker combo. They didn't have to pick the jungler combo in the second game. Their hero pool was very deep, so they could pick last. It was more important to ensure Cheng Xing's choice.

Coach Lin thought so too. He leaned over to Cheng Xing's ear and whispered, "Although your performance in the first game wasn't as good as the jungler's, I saw that you didn't make a single mistake in the entire game. Very good, keep it up. "

Cheng Xing, who was praised, nodded happily. "Yes, I know."

Coach Lin said, "Everyone, keep up the good work and try to win another game!"

The break time was over, and the second game officially began.

Tianheng was the red team for this game, and Jing Zhe was the blue team for this game.

The playoffs was a global BP game, so the heroes that were used before couldn't be used again. For example, the five heroes that Tianheng used in the first game — Black Dragon Knight, Paladin, Spirit Chaser, Hell Butterfly, and Machine Gun Hunter — Tianheng couldn't pick them again. Jing Zhe could skip these heroes when banning.

As for the heroes that Jing Zhe used in the first game — Sharpshooter, Dark Angel — Tianheng could pick them in the second game.

Coach Chen started to target the top lane, and he consecutively banned the two tanks — Steel Body and Dark Angel. This way, Old Qin didn't have a tank to choose from.

Lin Feng continued to target the archer, and he consecutively banned Xie Yuan's best heroes — Wind Spirit and Holy Spirit Archer.

Jing Zhe took Fang Zhengqing's Cobra King.

On Sky Huan's side, the first and second floor took the bottom lane combo [Meteor Arrow] + [Radiant Shield].

Jing Zhe's second and third players took the jungler [Fighter] and archer [Poisoner].

On the 3rd floor of Tianheng, I got the top laner [Berserker].

After the first stage of the selection process ended, many of the audience members were shocked.

It's been a while since I've seen Jing Zhe's Poison Squad!

King Cobra + Poison Sorcerer, Jing Zhe Double C's Poison Team

All of Old Qin's tanks had been wiped out. Choosing a Berserker to lead the team felt a little risky!

Little Star chose a new hero? Isn't it difficult for the Flying Arrow Meteor Dart to hit the target?

When Yao Mu saw this, she couldn't help but say, "It looks like Tianheng has made a lot of preparations for the playoffs. In the first round, they used a tracking style system. In the second round, Little Star will choose the new hero, Flying Arrow Meteor!"

Brother Dong introduced, "This is a hero that relies on darts to deal damage. He needs to use skills frequently. The darts thrown out are not lock-on attacks, so it's easy to miss. The player's operation is relatively high."

Yao Mu said, "That's right. [Meteor Arrow]'s darts can stack bleeding after being hit consecutively. [Poison Warlock]'s poison arrows can stack poisoning after being hit. The two archers in the bottom lane will stack poison for me, and I'll make you bleed. They're both heroes that stack debuffs to deal damage. "

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