Chapter 12: Hide And Seek

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"Mmm" (Aurora)

Aurora drowsily mumbled as she was waking up.


Bed noises.

She had slowly sat up on the bed.

Her eyes had regained focus but not her consciousness yet.

She unconsciously looked around the bedroom and turned her head to a drawer on her right.

The book she had read last night was on top of a drawer.

But the strange thing of it all was that she herself was sleeping in the bed.

"Huh?" (Aurora, asked)

"Oh no I fell asleep." (Aurora, said)

"Wait why am I here wasn't I ..he came!" (Aurora, said)

Aurora's expressionless face showed a little worry and confusion.

She had fallen asleep waiting on Dorion and he was nowhere around.

So she looked to her left again and found the left side of the bed empty. Dorion didn't even sleep there at all since the left side of the bedsheets was neatly intact.

'He didn't even sleep here... will he get the wrong impression and think that I rather sleep than wait for my husband who had just returned from war?' (Aurora's inner thoughts)

'I need to fix this misunderstanding fast.' (Aurora's inner thoughts)

She started to become a little conflicted and nervous.

It will be a lie she wasn't worried about how she will face that man, especially because that man had a habit of pulling his sword on whoever displeased him.

She tried to relax and take a breather.

"Sigh" (Aurora)

'Let's remain calm and see the situation first, I don't think he will kill me...if he brought me to bed it means he must have cared a little.' (Aurora's inner thoughts)

'He could have left me on that couch, woken me up, or killed me that instant so let's breathe.' (Aurora's inner thoughts)


Soon a knock came on her door.

She looked at the door from the bed.

"Come in" (Aurora, said)


Door noises.

The door had opened.

"Good, moring madam." (Tala, said)

Tala came in with a smile holding a warm towel while Terra came with a bowl of water to wash up.

'Step, Step, Step'


"We brought some water for you to wash up." (Terra, said)


Stop walking.

Terra had laid the water bowl on top of the dresser while Tala had set the book in a safe place to avoid the book getting wet.

"Thank you." (Aurora, said)

Aurora thank them as she grabbed finished washing her face and dried her face with a warm towel.

Terra and Tala nodded with a smile on their face.

'Pat, Pat'

Aurora had finally finished drying her face and looked up at them.

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