Chapter 29: Althea And Hellier

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My name is Althea.

I am the daughter of The Great Emperor God Of Heaven and the daughter of The Great Empress Goddess Of Heaven.

Both of my parents are the rulers of the Heaven and I Althea are their only daughter.

My days consist of being adored by gods, goddesses, and immortals.

I also spent my days playing with spirits, fighting with imps over what flower is prettier, and sometimes I chat with souls and spirits.

Yes, that was all fun and games but that was my play time.

In reality, I'm just a very cheerful person but I cannot forget what my duty is.

One day I will grow up old to become someone my parents and my people could be proud of.

Althea, age 700 years old.

A child who looked to be 7 years old but in good years was 700 years old.

She wore a white long one fluffy dress with a golden seal of the royal heaven family as the center of her strapped fabric.

Althea had long white straight hair down to her knees as she wore a fuschia pink flower wreath crown.

She sat down under a cherry blossom tree with a sad expression feeling the cherry blossom's sweet smell as the petals fluttered around.

Today I'm 700 years old it should be a joyful day only 500 years for me to take the God and Goddess test.

However, as the only heir to heaven, I must take more tests of providence than any other god, goddess, or soul who wants to reincarnate.

Today my 700-year birthday first test I must guide a soul to the pond of reincarnation.

There were two ponds.

A male and female pond.

Our job is to make sure they are able to pass after they have been judged however today....I was very nervous but I thought I would not mess up.

And just as I had not hoped I messed up.

I sent a soul to the reincarnation of an animal.

That was actually the third reincarnation call.

There were many reincarnation call actually but the reincarnation call that father and mother would usually use the human reincarnation call.

On occasion, there were souls who asked to be reincarnated as animals but most only chose to stay between to stay as human.

There were other reincarnation calls but my father had to seek counsel with his partners.

Different mortals had different religions and cultures so they did not know where exactly to categorize us.

To put it simply we live in a sacrament sky of dimensions.

Mortals did not believe in dimensions but their sure was dimensions.

Father loved sending souls to Earth they called.

A planet with technology, dollar bills, and celebrities like K-pop that my mother and I watched from the vision pond.

My mother and I always loved happy stories and pretty dresses.

So of course the fantasy dimension was our favorite.

A dimension based on a magical fairy tale world that almost looked like a book although our heaven realms were not different it was quite magical.

They too had colorful eyes just like us.

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