Chapter 32: The Beautiful Eyes Have Opened

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Without a second count, Dorion's eyes shot up open and lifted his body.

He had been kneeling at the side of her bed as his knees touched the duvet cover.

His upper body had just rested on the edges of her bed while he placed his hands over her hand.

Just like those Princes in fairytales who waited for their Princess to wake up.

The sound of her rushed every inch of his body to lift up his upper body only remaining in a kneeling position.

"Lady!" (Dorion, said)

A front face visible rather than a side face with his closed eyes just not too long ago.

It was definitely a different sight to see especially because a man like him has never looked so emotionally and physically unwell.

The same repeated outfit he stuck as a routine to wear, and his go-to hairstyle but why was it that something regularly looked strangely worse right in her presence?

This man had terrible eye bags as if he had not slept for days and his eyes were puffy read as if he had cried nonstop to the point the tears no longer could run down his beautiful red ruby eyes.

His attractive-looking face which had a very structured shape with its sharp features had too changed, as if he had lost weight.

And that look in his eyes that was full of different variations of emotions just looking at the reflection of her dark blue eyes.

Emotions that collide together in a face that was to crumble if it were a dream.

An unbelievable feeling, relief, regret, passion, anger, rage, guilt, surprise, and yearn.

Even the way his body and his voice raised up was full of suffocating yearning and surprise.

'Blink, Blink'

Aurora did not respond to him.

 It was more like she had woken up confused from a strange dream in a magical realm.

'Blink, Blink'

But it was just not that, she was back in her old room.

So was this another dream?


A dream that included this man.

'Get up'

'Look up'

"Lady?" (Dorion, asked)

Although it seemed that everything had happened slowly in fact everything was happening quite quickly.

Dorion had gotten up leaning his body a little closer to her sitting body looking at her as he asked with a very worried tone.

Because in fact, her dark blue eyes seemed as if she really wasn't awake, or at least she didn't look to grasp what had happened.

Her face only lifted up to look at him still remaining silent.



Till her dark blue eyes that looked at his red ruby eyes had finally gained real focus.

Her lips were about to open when suddenly she felt a sudden movement underneath her duvet covers as if something was lying down on her thighs.


'A snake?' (Aurora's inner thoughts)

Immediately her body halted and painted a pale terrified expression at the feeling she had felt with the snake Adelina had placed.

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