CHAP-11 Kripa got captured

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{Present time Kali Yuga}

{16th march, 2023}


Kali's fist was trembling in anger.
The hall was covered in a dark energy field of his aura.
He has been restless since the disappearance of his beloved daughter. Bhaya was sitting on his knees in front of his father.
"The earth just swallowed her father, I am telling the truth."
His voice was a bit shaky, of course it will be, the demon sitting in his throne giving the death glare, will even shake the earth.
"Son, so you are telling us, that your sister was swallowed inside the earth like once did for Mata Sita. Do you think you can fool us?"
Durukti stood up from her ceremonial chair, and walked up to Bhaya, looking down at him.
"Please mother, believe me!"
His hands joined together pleading. Durukti would always look down at Bhaya. But she was always so loving towards her two daughters, Mrutyu and Apsara.
The door of the throne room brushed open, revealing Mrutyu holding the collar of an old drunkard looking man.
She dragged him forward with her.
He was quite a clever looking one though. He had the sign of brahmin on his forehead.
"Father, look what I found?"
She grinned proudly.
Kali's sound was so deep. He knew this man since his first thousand years of life. He was one of his main enemies. Him along with his nephew, was always the one to attack the army of Tagzigs.
"Hello Your majesty, long time no see."
Kripa chuckled drunkenly.
"I found this stray dog, lurking on the roads of Delhi."
Mrutyu glared down at the drunkard idiot.
"He probably knows something about Apsara's disappearance.
He was talking drunkenly about sending her to the Himalayan mounts, where Bhaya had found Apsara the last time."
Mrutyu looked at Bhaya on the floor and kneeled in showing respect.
She and him had been good friends since childhood. Unlike him and Apsara.
Mrutyu was the one who the two other siblings listened to.
She was the mature one.
"Kripacharya, you bastard, where is my daughter?"
Durukti was spitting fire from her eyes, towards Kripa.
"Sorry not sorry mate, can't tell. But you can probably not find her somewhere in this world, that's for sure."
Mrutyu kicked him in the face. Making blood drip from his nose.

"Don't worry, I have expected this from you!, that's why I brought them here with me."
Mrutyu signalled the guards to bring some people.
Kripa's second wife and daughter were brought, pushing them towards the wooden hard ground.
Karti, cried calling out to her father.
Kripa's eyes widened seeing his little one and his beloved hurt and injured.
"Now, tell us. Where is she?"

"Never, never I will tell you, Where her majesty had gone."
Kripa's nose was letting blood out. His lips were now covered in the red liquid.
Bhaya stood up from the floor and raised his sword. He grabbed Manasa, Kripa's wife, by the hair and placed the sword under her neck.
"Tell us, where is she?"
Bhaya's voice now thundered.
Kripa closed his eyes in fear.
He was now in a do or die Situation.
"Okay, then watch your family die with your own eyes."
Bhaya raised up his sword, swinging back to Manasa.

The sword halted.
"I'll tell you, I'll tell you"
Kali smirked, he got up from his throne and walked up to the five thousand year old Hag.
"Tell me, where did she go?"
He knelt down and grabbed Kripa's throat. Not so hardly, loose enough to spit words out.
"She is not at Kali Yuga."
Kripa managed to take up some courage and speak.
"She is at The Dwapara Yuga. Mahadev sent all five of them to Vasudev Krishna."
Vasudev Sree Krishna, the name Kali, despises the most. The prophecies says, his future enemy that will defeat him is going to be the next Sree Krishna. The one with the courage and strength to fight Kali will always and only be Kalki.
"They travel back in time?, stop joking around. Tell us the truth."
Durukti now got impatient.
"He is not Lying."
Kali spoked with a deep voice.
"Koka, Vikoka, put this man and his family in Jail."
Kali ordered his two twin Generals.
Koka grabbed Kripa and dragged him away. Vikoka took the mother and daughter away too, following her twin brother Koka.

"Father, so he was telling the truth."
Mrutyu furrowed her brows at her father.
"Yes, as well as Bhaya. Sorry son, For doubting you."
Kali came forward and patted his only son's shoulder.
"And good job, Mrutyu. On bringing that drunkard here."
Durukti proudly smiled at her daughter.
Kripa was being pushed forward instantly by Koka. Karti was crying continuously.
Vikoka looked at Koka in a serious manner.
Koka looked back at her, they both know that they are doing many sins for Kali and his greed. But they had once taken an oath, so it is now impossible for them to back away.
Kripa and his family were pushed inside. Vikoka locked the metal bars.
"Don't try to do anything smart. You will have to pay for it."
Koka warned.
The twins went back to their own business, leaving the family behind to rot.
"Kripa, what's happening?"
Manasa sobbed hard.
"Don't cry Manasa, I am pretty sure, Ashwathama is on his way to save us from here."
Kripa calmed them down.
Ashwathama and him had become a better uncle and nephew after the Kurukshetra war.
The only problem Ashwathama had was that he coughs almost every second and is in high temperature almost all the time, which he had been practiced with. So now it is normal for him.
"Vasudev, please take care of her majesty."
Kripa prayed to the god he had seen in real life.

To be continued

Guys, how is entry of Our Kripa mama.

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