CHAP-21 Three pathetic idiots

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Present time Dwapar Yuga
3000 BC

It was dark, it felt cold.
She opened her eyes to see fog around the place. Apsara walked around the foggy area, when she stepped on something.
She looked down to see the dead body of Vasuki, the Dragon king."
Uncle Vasuk? Who did this?"
She asked herself, now she noticed the ground has many dead corpses.
She looked around to find a lot of familiar faces.
There was everyone that was dear to her.
Kripa acharya, Manasa, Jiayi, Maya, Vasuda and even the best of nagas Yohan.
"What's Happening?"
She cried loudly, her tears shed down to the ground.
"Mahadev, you can't do this to me. Why?"
She cried more as she became numb.
She felt another person's presence nearby.
She looked in the direction where she could see a shadow of a man.
She started walking towards the shadow man, but it felt like no matter how much she walks she is not moving from her place.
The shadow man was still not at reach.
"You have to find him, Apsara!"
A voice said, as Apsara looked up, she recognised the god-like voice quickly.
"Govind,..... What is happening?"
Apsara fell on the ground.
"You must find him, and protect the Amrit and scriptures of history, you must protect that land from damage."
He spoke again.
"Who should I find? Which land should I protect? And whom should I protect it from?"
She whined in pain, hoping for an answer.
"You must find the sword of Lanka, and then Mahadev will call you five back. Later Bhagwan Parashram will lead you towards your fate."
Apsara still did not get her answers, she heard footsteps coming.
"Who is it?"
She cried out loud.
The illusion of Kali raised his sword in her direction with the face of a psycho.
She woke up from her dream, sweating and panicking, Ashwathama too woke up hearing her scream.
"Appu, what happened?"
Apsara started to cry, he holded her in his embrace.
"I thought it was real?"
She said while sobbing, she wiped her tears, but the water was coming non stop.
"Hey, it's okay, it's just a nightmare."
Ashwathama patted the back of her head.
He felt that she was hot, so he put his hands on her neck and forehead.
"You are burning hot, you are sick. Just lay here and I'll be back."
He said laying gently in the bed and ran out of the room.
Ashwathama came back with Mohan, Manu and the rajvaidya.
The rajvaidya gave her a herbal liquid.
Apsara choked in the bitterness of the medicine.
"It will help with immunity."
The rajvaidya said, as he stood up and took a cloth drenched in cold water and placed it in Apsara's forehead.
"You should only drink hot water, your majesty. And also take a bath, the tiredness will go away and you will feel fresh."
Advised the vaidyan.
"Uhm, guys you can leave, I will take care of Samragini."
Ashwathama sat at the edge of the bed.
"But we have a lot of political problems to solve."
Mohan looked at ashwathama and apsara with a 'what the hell?' face.
"Then bring the papers here, I will do the work from here, in that way I can also keep the Queen a company and besides if I have any doubts, you will always be there for me, right."
Ashwathama cannot forget what Apsara said the other night, to prove himself in front of her.
There isn't a more perfect opportunity than this for him, so of course he will take the chance.
Well don't judge him, our boy's determined to make that red hot Queen fall heels over him, if that's the last thing he does, like seriously, if that's the last thing he does.
"Perfect opportunity, right My King."
Is it just Ashwathama or did anybody else felt a glass cracking sound, oh and cracking means like some kind of plan just fell on the ground and broke in a millions of pieces.
Apsara smirked at him, he just looked back at her ashamed.
"What? you said to yourself that you are willing to give me a chance!"
Apsara moved her head left and right in disappointment.
"You know something that I learned from living this much?"
Apsara asked and he just furrowed his gorgeous eyebrows.
He asked back since he knew she was waiting for a 'what?'.
"That no matter how much centuries pass, boys are always the same."
She said as she laid back facing him, to drift into some sweet dreams other than hearing voices from Krishna.

____________°¤ ¤°____________

Vasuda and Yohan were happily sitting in the medical room, eating up all the fruits for Jia.
Jia looked at them with a weird face.
"Seriously guys, those are for Jia."
Krishna demanded the two not so young boys.
"You wanna join us to do this grape challenge?"
Vasuda invited Krishna, Krishna smiled sheepishly at their request.
"Only if I get a double throw."
They giggled and continued doing their boy nonsense.
"You guys never change, do ya."
Jia complained, I mean who likes it, when her best friends are partying next to her, who is all wrapped up in bandages at the back.
"What?, it's called having fun times."
Krishna said, chewing on the red grapes.
"Yeah, it is so good to have fun next to your friend who cannot even move her back to adjust to comfort."
She shouted startling the boys.
"Never mind them jia, they are boys, they are always like this.
We can never understand them, just take it like, whenever they don't understand why we girls get so crazy about going shopping."
Jia nodded her head in an understandment.
"Yeah, but really why? Why do you get crazy going shopping?"
Vasuda asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Can you tell us why you get crazy to do these stupid things?"
Jia asked, earning a big gasp from the boys.
"Uhh cause it is so cool and not stupid."
Yohan said defending their way of doing 'fun'.
"yeah right, I would name it childish."
Subhadra said taking away the bowl of fruits and giving it to jia.
"Thank You, princess."

Jia glared at the three idiots. It is a perfect trio of pathetic joke making idiots.

To be continued

{Hey guys, what is the place krishna said about to Appu, and who should she go find?
Let us see, I really have to fill up my creative juises on the coming chapters. But seriously I really don't get why all the boys are like this. And also we hitted 2K 🎊🎊🎉🏅}

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