CHAP-23 The irresponsibility

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Vasuda aligned his katana at the fake human target. He was practicing tactical skills on how to attack unexpectedly.
Jia who fully recovered her wound was staring at the sandy ground, her mind was weary at the moment.
Maya, who was sharpening her sword after practice, noticed this.
She went towards the dreaming girl.
Maya poked her fingers at Jia's shoulder to catch the water dragon's attention.
Which worked like charm, Jia got startled by the fingers poking her shoulder.
Jia looked at Maya confused.
"What happened? Why are you so moody?"
Maya acted by her silent language of finger.
"Nothing, just wondering what Appu is doing."
Jia replied, scratching her nape.

Krishna and Rukmini seated at their throne, hearing out the unsolved problems of the city.
Krishna was no emperor or king, just a City master, but his power was uncomparable, he would act childish though his age was 25.
Balram would scold him to be serious for once.
But Rukmini knows her husband more than anyone, she knows that his every action is for the outcome of Righteousness, he is Narayan and she is Narayani.
All people of Kali Yuga worship Krishna and Radha always, forgetting the one Krishna loved the most.
Krishna is named after his better half, he is the Rukmini Vallabh.
Of course he has more wives, but those were all to keep good relations with countries.
But Krishna had a place for them all in his heart.
But Rukmini had the throne in his heart, the love that he never felt for anyone, she was shining more than the sun in his eyes, she made him better, her letters said the true words of love.
The poetry skills were so common that they melted in each other's letters.
The love was so true, both were inseparable from each other.
Subhadra entered the throne room as the ministers and guards bowed respectfully.
Subhadra replied to all.
"Bhratha Krishna, Bhratha Balram, Panchal Samragini are on her way to visit Dwarka."
Krishna smiled wisely, 'she might have earned Narayan's Message'
He thought.
"Great news, Sevak, arrange every needed thing for the empress. She must feel at home in Dwaraka."
Krishna commanded.
"What would make Apsara come here?"
Balram thought out loud.
"Everybody out of the Throne room, Except for the King and Queen and Bratha Balram."
Subhadra Ordered.
The room was now left with the Vasudev siblings and Rukmini.
"Apsara is definitely coming here for a reason, otherwise she will not be coming here alone without any ministers or her husband."
Balram caressed his beard, as he thought about the situation.
"Maybe she got the same message as we got from Narayan."
Subhadra added.
"She would have, so let's also arrange the journey to Lanka."
Krishna stood up from his golden throne.
"But, where could Raavan possibly hide the Sword?"
The siblings have definitely been warned by the Preserver.


Present time Kali Yuga

year 2023 March 19


Shuka flew through a minimum height, his eyes showed a glimmer of happiness to see the high buildings of Delhi, it was good to be at home again.
Kripa showed his hand to stop a rickshaw.
The rickshaw guy stopped as they got in.
"I am going to end that kid today, years passed, still the same."
Kripa muttered angrily.
Ashwathama was definitely going to get in trouble.
"Why are you still mad? Shuka came."
Manasa tried to calm down her husband.
"So what? He should be at least a bit more responsible. He is what years old?, that I don't know but he is not a small child."
Kripa was purposely adding more fuel to his own fury to maintain his anger.
"Kripa, don't do anything to him, he is the one who sent Shuka."

"Manasa, stop trying to calm me down, he deserves something, not just for being ignorant about us but all things."
Kripa sometimes just can't resist his anger towards that Immortal cursed boy. He has become a complete sloth.

To be continued

{ Hey guys, I have been a bit busy these days, so forgive me about the slow updates. I might be slow, like in maybe no updates for three to four days but I wilk definitely complete the book. I won't leave it incomplete. So don't worry.}

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