CHAP-12 The surprise attack

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~Present time Dwapar Yuga~

~3000 BC~


Jia was just walking through the capital city of Kuru. She noticed that the people mostly living in the capital are of higher caste and are rich. Mostly the business men, royal chariots and the panchayat ministers.
The streets were filled with food stalls or stores which sold bangles, clothes, pots and embroidered beautiful items.
The market was still not to be seen.
She then noticed some children, probably friends, eating the food from a stall.
"Children, I am new here. Can you tell me the directions towards the market."
The children were astonished to see such beauty asking for directions, she must definitely be from a royal family, they thought.
"Yes, it's near here, you first go straight, then you will see two pathways on the left and right side. Take the one with the cobble stoned path and you will reach the market real quick."

They grinned at her.
She faked a smile at them.
She went straight as she was told, she saw the two roads which lead to different lanes.
One with cobble stone pathway and the other with normal ground.
She took the cobble stoned as said to. Then it was a halt, she didn't know which way to go. But she noticed very loud voices coming from the side. She now understood the humour of the kid.
She followed the sounds and finally found the market.
The market had all sorts of things.
Vegetables, fruits, craft items and vessels.
She saw a crowd of people around an area.
Some people were carrying sacks of rice with them back towards their own homes.
She went towards the crowd, her eyes fell on the King of Anga, giving out the rations according to people.
She smiled seeing him being very kind towards his subjects.
Karna felt the intense stare at him. He looked towards Jia's side.
As his eyes saw her his mind went blank.
She smiled warmly at him.
"Angaraj, will I be able to get some rice too."
She walked her way up to him.
Her scent was filling the air, the scent of jasmine and rose together was so addicting. He wanted to hold her so badly in his arms.
"What is the answer?"
"Rajkumari, first you have to be a ration member, then you will receive the ration."
The ration minister told her.
She mouthed an 'oh'.
"No, Jiayi will receive as much rice as she wishes."
Jia grinned shyly about his comment.
"Angaraj, that is not possible. You should stop supporting mlecchas like her."
The minister advised Karna, without the words reaching into Jia's ears .
'This society will never change, will it? Karna thought to himself.

Karna once belonged to the lower caste. He is not someone who would watch one die without food and not help them just because they were of the low caste.
Jiayi was impressed by Karna's mentality. Just like the daring one mentioned in the stories.
"Thank you, but I don't really need any rice."
She grinned as she lowered her face down, shyly.
"Minister, me and Jiayi are going to have a walk. Can you please take care of the rations?"
The food minister nodded his head as he bowed to him.
"Let's go, Jiayi."
He put his arm on her shoulder, as he took her out of the market. They both reached the cobblestoned pathway.
"So Angaraj, are you married?"
Jiayi's question made Karna taken aback.
"Oh no, I am not married to anyone."
Jiayi remembers the pages of Mahabharatha, where Karna falls in love with his own childhood friend.
"But, I do like someone."
He mentioned sneakily.
"oh really, who?"
Her mind was curious to know who he had hearted, she knew, if that girl is liked by him, then she must be definitely gorgeous.
Unknowingly she was the one who he hearted.
"She is a special girl."
His face was turning red now.
"I see, what is her name?"
Her face was so bright.
"Are you happy that I like someone?"
He asks her, not liking the fact that she is smiling when he likes a girl, which is her.
"Oh yes, I am. Is she gorgeous? Is she kind?"
She asked, smiling showing her white teeth.
Her smile was something that is precious, it can make anyone's day lit up.
"Yeah, she is beautiful, she is kind, she is so cheery and her smile is so beautiful. And she has a scent of jasmine which also feels like roses."
Her smile became wider.
"Really, oh she seems to be very good. Can I meet her?"
She was looking so innocently cute.
"NO! Why do you look so happy to know that I like someone else, huh?"
His face was full of dissatisfaction, Because he wanted her to feel jealous when she got to know, he likes a girl.
"What do you mean? Of course I am happy, the best warrior on earth likes someone. Isn't that exciting?"
Her innocence was so strong that he can't be angry at her, as he can't resist her cuteness.
"Well don't be happy, and she is also very cute, now that I saw it."
He started his way back to the market.
She shouted loudly.
"Miss, don't shout like that. It hurts my ear."
An old lady told her.
"But why is he so mad?"
She walked through the cobblestones.


Arjun was covering Apsara's eyes, carefully walking her towards the arranged picnic.
"There, we are here."
He moved his hands from her eyes, letting her see, what he arranged for her.
"Aju, this is so romantic."

Arjun furrowed his eyebrows.
"Yeah, it's a pet name."
Arjun grinned shyly. His mind was running around on clouds, she already started giving him pet names .
They sat down on the blue carpet.
Apsara looked around to see tasty food items, such as Ladoos, jalebis, kheer, halwa and other ancient sweets.
Arjun took a piece of jalebi and showed it to Apsara.
Apsara instantly opened her mouth. She was expecting the Sweetness in her mouth, but instead it went to Arjun's mouth. The smile on her face turned to a pout.
Arjun chuckled at her cuteness.
Arjun took a piece of Laddo and placed it into Apsara's open mouth.
"tch tch tch tch You guys are so cheesy you know?"
Nakul moved his head in disappointment. Sahadev put his one hand above his nose bridge.

Apsara and Arjun glared at them in annoyance.
"Like seriously, you guys are having a picnic date in the garden. That is such an old class!"

"hey, we will date in the ways we like, okay, it's none of your business."
Apsara death glared at them.
"Yeah, and why are you disturbing us on our date?"
Nakul and Sahadev just laughed.
"Don't you know why, we are your little brothers, we are born to annoy you dear brother."
Nakul laughed mischievously.

"A little advice, if you are lovers, then having a proper date like making out on beds or going hunting would be better than sitting on a carpet just sharing food. Have some fun once in your life man." Nakul's professor mode turned on, as Sahadev nodded in agreement.

"Oh and, if you are making out in any of your rooms, please lock the door, or else you will be the main topic for the daily gossip." Sahadev mentioned, he knew it since the last mistake he made with his lover. Though the twins are irritating, their looks are incomparable, both might have dated all the girls living in the palace.

A soldier came running worriedly like last time when the other Kaliyugi guests came.
"Your Majesties, there are real assassins attacking the capital, there are hundreds of them.
They are robbed in black clothing, and they have Snake signed breastplates."
Apsara was shocked to hear the snake signed breastplates.
She was indeed sure of the fact that they are Nagas.
The ruthless army of the Dragon King Vasuki.

To be continued

{Hey guys, now that Kali has found out about The time travel tragedy. He is definitely going to attack Kuru rashtra. What will we do now?
Let's wait and see where the story goes.}

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