CHAP-30 I am an Empress

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The smell of the burning flesh filled the cave. The Fresh meat of the fawn was heated through being hanged to the ends of a bamboo stick.
Apsara was quite surprised that Anusuiya would want to kill the same fawn that she used to draw Apsara to the cave.
"Deer's meat is very tasty? Thank you dear."
Although the Idea was Anusuiya's, the work was done by Apsara.

"Well the fawn was still too cute to be killed though!" Apsara's mind was in distress, remembering the moment she slaughtered the fawn. Anusuiya looked at Apsara in disbelief.

"So what is this mission of yours?" Anusuiya tried spilling the beans from the Demon Princess. Apsara sighed, re-thinking if she should tell this old lady about the Sword.

"Nothing, I am just looking for an artifact that will be of use in the future." Apsara did not completely trust this woman, as for around her, even small bushes or trees have ears. Even in Kali Yuga or in Dwapar Yuga. Her surroundings are just the same.

"What artifact? Maybe I can help you. I know Lanka like the back of my hand."

"Woah, Woah, calm down, don't jump in like that. You have no Idea what you will be dealing with if you come with me." Apsara knew this isn't child's play, on the other hand nobody knows how Kali had sent the Nagas to Dwapar Yuga. Maybe even he has access to time.

"Sounds like this artifact you are talking about is not an ordinary one, Let me guess you are here in Lanka to find that old Sword of Raavan aren't you?" Apsara was shocked about the fact that Anusuiya Guessed it right.

"How did you know?"

"Isn't it obvious, What other artifacts do you need from Lanka? In the end you will end up like everybody else?" Anusuiya rotated the flesh slowly for the other side to get cooked.

"I am sorry like everybody else means?"

Apsara took the other side of the bamboo stick helping Anusuiya to rotate the flesh around the hot flames. Anusuiya looked at Apsara with a serious face.

"Listen little princess, You are trying to reach your own death."

Anusuiya stood up and looked around for something, she grabbed the small tin containing pepper, as she sprayed it a little on the meat. Apsara held her nose, escaping from the high smell of the pepper but still ended up sneezing a few times.

"Listen Miss Anu kutti, I am not little, I am even older than you. Have some respect. I am two thousand years old." Apsara tried not to sneeze while speaking as her nose finally recovered from the pepper's effects.

"Two thousand? You are an Immortal?" Anusuiya looked shocked hearing the background of this young looking princess.

"Yeah, I don't have time to explain. I am going back to the camp." Apsara too stood up and started to walk towards the giant boulder locking the both inside the cave .

"Wait Princess, Who are you?" Anusuiya stared at Apsara as if her life depended on it.

"First of all, I am not a Princess. I am an Empress, Empress of Panchal. And also a Demon" She said as she touched the boulder with her both palms. And the Boulder started to shake, and all of a sudden it withered into pieces.

"Thank you for the pep talk" Apsara said as she walked away from the cave.

"I swear to God, I'll never trust a Deer again." She mumbled to herself.

While, Anusuiya looked at Apsara in confusion and doubt. It was her first time meeting an Immortal being. She indeed was confused. You don't get to see immortals just like that, or was that vixen lying. She thought to herself, but definitely did not want to lose her company.

"Hold on, where do you think you are going?" Anusuiya called out to Apsara.

Apsara sighed and looked back at the old Witch.

"The King of Dwaraka must be looking for me, I must leave at once." Apsara explained as she started to walk again.

"Then wait a minute, I will come with you." Anusuiya grabbed her purple bag, and filled it with some of her stuff.

"I told you it is dangerous for you." Apsara again tried to stop the gray haired Dravida woman.

"Whatever you say, I am following you." Anusuiya came forward to Apsara.

"Let's go, shall we." She said, as Apsara sighed out, as she gave up talking back to this old lady.


To be continued

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