CHAP-33 Blissful Kisses

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It was more than ten at night, Apsara entered her tent to have her peaceful sleep. But her hope for a good sleep hit rock bottom when she saw the devil in front of her.

"Are you serious?"

Apsara said acrimoniously.

"Appu, you came? Come let's sleep."

Ashwathama smiled seeing her. Of course she should have expected this coming, Ashwathama is her husband, according to Marital Rules, the Husband and Wife should sleep together.

"I am just gonna say it, I had a great time without you."

She sat at the edge of the bed.

"You will have a better time with me, I promise you that, love."

Ashwathama sat on his knees on the ground to be at her height. He caressed her cheeks that are soft as the fur of a sheep.

"Arya, I am scared."

Apsara leaned towards his shoulders and rested her head on it.

Ashwathama patted her head to calm her, her heart beat raised up.

"What is the problem, love?"

He looked straight into her eyes. The moon light from the windows struck her eyes, as her iris turned sapphire blue.

His heart melted at the sight.

"What will happen after the Kali Yuga?"

Apsara looked at him, sharing all her worries with him. A moment ago she was angry at him, but this time, when it's just them, she feels like he is her world.

"That is yet to come, that's why it is called future. It can be dark, it can be light. But whatever the problems that will come ahead, we will go through it together. I love you, Apsara. I really do."

His words took her to a haven. It was not like the scrambled shit like Arjun's, It was sincere from the bottom of his heart.

"Arya, I-I ....."

Words could not express what she feels, she feels regret to scold him for coming for her to Lanka. Her cheeks coloured red, her body suddenly started to heat up.

She knew she had to tell him, it is written at the end of her tongue.

"I love you too." She finally said it, as he could not resist the building tension. His body cannot hold this new sensation.

His lips met hers, both lips fighting for dominance. He bit her lips, definitely leaving a bruise. His lips traveled to her neck. He held her nape softly, and laid her down on the bed as he hovered above her. She removed his upper wear. He pecked her lips and got off her suddenly. He went towards the entrance of the tent and commanded the guards to leave, as he didn't want any of them to know what was happening inside. He looked at the blissful women at the bed, all red and shy. He closed the curtains and walked towards the bed. He looked at her, smirking with lust in his eyes. He didn't waste any less time and went back to the kissing. He removed her dupatta and threw it to the side. He kissed her waist. She never felt better in her life, ever.

He sucked her neck, leaving love marks behind.

"Aryaa...." She moaned out in pleasure.

"Apsara." He groaned while sucking her neck.

She knew he was the one, no one ever made her feel this way, not Yohan, not Arjun. Only him. She tried to muffle her moans of blissful pleasure. She covered her mouth with her hand. He immediately moved her hand from her mouth.

"Let it come out, love. Fill this tent with your lovely moans, I want to know if you like it."


Jia looked at the aggressive sea, its tide was flowing to meet the shore.

She felt more powerful, as the water was right at her grasp, but it is not she who controls the water, it is the water that controls her.

"What are you doing here at this time?"

A familiar voice asked her. She looked at the owner of the deep handsome voice. He looked handsome even at night in the limited light given by the stars and the only satellite of the Earth.

"I wanted to have some time alone."

"Oh! Did I disturb you? I can leave if you want."

Karna panicked as he thought he stepped into her personal space.

"No, It would be nice to have someone I care about to stand with me actually."

She stopped him from leaving. She called him someone she cared about, he felt so content with the sentence.

"Okay then, you seem to be bothered by something, what's wrong dear?"

He held her two hands and looked into her deep dark eyes.

"I feel lonely, and I like it, but It would be nice to know who you belong to? Who gave birth to you?"

He felt her sorrow. He smiled at her. His hand slowly wrapped his arms around her, and held her in his warm embrace. He caressed her soft raven black hair.

"I know, Don't worry. I am sure you will find your family again."

He tried to calm her, within her words he understood she is an orphan.

"I won't Karna. They must all be dead by now. On the other hand, I don't even know if I'll be able to go back to Kali Yuga Soon."

She placed her hands at his back, seeking warmth from him.

He caressed her cheeks and stared at her deep mysterious eyes. Jiayi was tensed by the limited distance between them both.

He didn't think twice, before he kissed her as passionately as he could. She was shocked by his sudden action. She now understood that Apsara wasn't lying, he really does like her. She could not move at all, the sea water calmed down, as her mind too felt at ease. She moved him away and looked at him in disappointment.

"Angaraj, I- I am sorry, b-but I don't think of you in that way."

She was scared about how he would react.

He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer.

"Then what do you feel towards me, dear?"

He whispered near her left ear. His breath was hitting her face, It was as if he was controlling her body.


She doesn't know what is happening, just like how the sun would attract the sleeping animals, he lures her closer to him.

He was the most attractive man on earth. And she is so gorgeous.

She had to resist this, it's like he lovepotioned her, or put an enchantment over her, but she had to resist his effect.

She pushed him away and left running through the heavy sand almost tripping on her long Skirt.

But she made it to her tent. She breathed heavily. 'What on earth just happened?' her mind Questioned.

To be Continued

Guys, you have no idea what I been through writing the first part of this chapter. Oh my god, it was just a too much experience for me.

Dawn Of Blood & The Seven Immortals |Mahabharat fiction|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن