CHAP-27 Avatars of Narayan

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Apsara's eyes glinted, as she saw the beauty of the lush green southern islands.
The sight was absolutely resplendent, the sun was shining bright as the ship sailed forward.
Krishna smiled seeing the beauty of Bhoomi Mata.
It looked like heaven on earth.
Ship stopped moving as the stairs were placed.
Krishna placed his feet at the sand as he felt nature calling out to him.
Lanka might have been ruled by an asura, but that does not make the land demoted.
Apsara took a deep breath, the smell of the sea was perfect.
Maya smiled as she ran around.
Vibhishana the King of Lanka, one of the seven immortals, came forward greeting the King of Dwaraka.
"Pranipat, Dwarakadish Sree Krishna."
Vibhishan joined his hands.
"Pranipat, Raja Vibhishan."
Krishna accepted the Welcome.
"You remind me of him."
Vibhishan remembered the moment The great Shree Ram, the seventh Avatar of Vishnu crowned him King of Lanka.
"But I am not him, he was the greatest leader this world has ever seen, and I am just a Shepard."
Krishna cannot dare to compare him with the Great emperor Raghav.
"But, you are him, the same courage to face the future, the same bravery and the same fury of dharma in the eyes. It is an honor to meet you Govind. You are The Narayan, the Paramatma Krishna, If anyone could save this world it's you."
Vibhishan's words hit deep.

"He is right Govind, this war is in your hands, and you will be known better than him, I know it"
Apsara encouraged him.
"Let's do this thing, and save both the yugas."
Krishna said as he looked at his disciples.
In every Yuga there is a Dharma and an Adharm.
Dharma, simply you can say 'good' and Adharm you can simply say 'bad'.
In every yuga sometimes the order of Dharm will break a few times.
It first happened in the first yuga, Krita yuga.
When Manu, The King of Arya Vansh was trying to reach his people to safety from destruction that was happening to his land that is unknown. Everything was not in order when Matsya, his trusted astrologer and science knowledgeable, came to rescue with his ships as the Aryavansh was saved, from then on Matsya was known as the first Avatar of Narayan.
Then again in the same yuga, earth was completely out of order, when the Kurma Avatar came and helped the Devas, to save the Planet.
It repeated again as it was this time Varaha Avatar.
Then came the Narasimha, continuing with Vamana, then comes the great immortal Parashurama along with the next Yuga, Treta Yuga. He still lives on to help The last avatar.
Shree Rama or Raghav was the next, a memorable emperor who built the mighty Ram Setu and saved the people of Bharath and Other conquered parts from evil.
And now it was Krishna's turn in the next Yuga, Dwapara yuga. Which will come to its end soon with the greatest war in the history of the world, and it was his job to lead it.
After his death came the next Yuga, the one that will be the end of everything that is known till now, the Kali Yuga.
First taught by Budhaa to live the right life, he was the ninth.
And now comes the Last and Final Avatar, the one which will end this circle of Yuga, who will end this story, and give birth to a new circle of new coming history.
The last and final Avatar of Vishnu the Preserver, KALKI.

To be continued

AN- guys I changed the Name of the book into The Dark Odyssey.
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