CHAP-29 The mysterious cave

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The words are still resonating in Apsara's mind.
'Did I mention, I am talking about Shambhala'
In Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Shambhala, in Chinese Xiāngbālā. Shambhala is mentioned in the Kalachakra Tantra. The mythological relevance of the place originates with a prophecy in Vishnu Purana, according to which Shambhala will be the birthplace of Kalki, the last incarnation of Vishnu who will usher in a new age called Satya Yuga. And the prophesied ruling Kingdom of Maitreya.
Though the location of this land is unknown. Even Adolf Hitler wanted to find it, as he sent a lot of expeditions to find it, and locate it.
But in every mission and every journey, the result is all negative.
Apsara understood that the only way to crush the plans of Kali, is to find his end.
His biggest nightmare, the Last Avatar of God himself.
The savior of Earth and the one last ray of light that shines the emotion of hope.
This odyssey is not about the Sword or anything.
This odyssey is going to be the last chance to save the world from it's total destruction.
This Odyssey is to destroy evil, and establish DHARMA.

"Appu, Appu, Appu!"


Apsara finally replied to Subhadra's call.

"What? did you locate the temple?"

"Yeah, not yet. What happened to you ?"

"Chitra, Have you ever wondered why people like us are given so much responsibilities?"

Subhadra sat beside Apsara on the edge of the bed. Apsara sighed , she was again completely lost in her world.

"You know what you need, meditation."

Subhadra advised.

It is one of the non- compulsory daily practices of the ancient Hindus .

"Meditation?, you sure?"

Apsara scratched the back of her neck and looked in curiosity towards the Illusionist.

"Yeah, all you need is some silence, stealth and peace. You will find the answer yourself, friend."

Apsara just admired the way Subhadra talks and takes out the problem just then and there.

"So try it when you have time, I just came to check on you. Seems everything is fine, so see you later."

Subhadra said as she got up from her bed and walked outside the tent.

"Yeah, later."

"Meditation, hmm"

Apsara sat crossing her both legs, and her hand in Shanthi mudra. She closed her eyes and tried relaxing. Unfortunately it is not really calm and quiet when you live as a royal, wherever you go, noise just keeps on following you.

Apsara annoyingly opened her eyes and looked outside the window of the tent.

"Stupid Soldiers!"

She cursed the owners of the non stop voices. She hastily got out of bed and walked outside the tent. She looked around her, all that she saw was busy men and women doing their work. She noticed that no one was going towards the forest, if she had to find peace, then the forest is definitely the best option. She ran towards the lush green, luckily no one saw her to stop her. The deep jungle of Lanka holds many secrets undiscovered, and some secrets are better not covered up. She admired the gift of mother nature, if this beautiful place existed near the Delhi City or any other cities in Kali Yuga, It would have been destroyed with no efforts. She looked around her, little did she know something was behind the bushes, watching her. She felt uncomfortable and looked behind, but caught nothing but green. She started to walk until the bushes started to move again, she acted as if she did not notice it. Her eyes moved to the left to find the bush shaking unnoticeably. Like a lightning hitting the ground, she moved the bushes to see a small fawn. He was beautiful and cute. She sighed in peace.

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