Chapter 3

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Simon's POV:

I saw that my new follower had liked my most recent photo. It was a selfie I'd taken recently.

I went onto his account, curiously looking at his photos. I couldn't see his face in any of them, but I could see that he had short, black hair, a beard, and was pretty tall. He was my type for sure.

I scrolled back up to his bio.

"18, bisexual, single 🏳️‍🌈"

I was very glad. I was debating DMing him, but at the same time, I didn't want to look desperate.

I wondered why he had found my account. To try and figure that out, I went through who he was following.

He was following a few people from my school, so he must go there too. And since he said he was 18, we were probably in the same year.

I looked back at his photo once more, trying to see if I could recognise him at all. It didn't help, though. There were lots of dark-haired guys at my school who had facial hair.

I was curious now, though, so I decided to stop worrying about messaging first and just figure out who he was.


Simon7: Hey, I'm assuming we know each other?

Zerkaa: Yeah, we go to the same school

Simon7: Ah, okay, who are you?

Zerkaa: I don't really want to say, this is my Instagram account for my streaming platform, but I'm anonymous on there
Zerkaa: Don't really want people from school seeing it 😂

Simon7: That's alright, no worries

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