Chapter 12

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Simon7: Do you want to call? X

Zerkaa: Yeah, sure, I'd love that x

Simon7: Okay, I'll ring you in five x


Josh's POV:


"Simon7 is calling..."

I answered the phone, putting him on speaker and laying me phone down on my bed beside me.

"Hey, Simon." I said.

"Hi, you okay? I figured this might be fun for you since you're probably bored with your suspension." He said.

"I'm so bored, but just two days left until I'm back." I grinned to myself.

"What you been up to?" He asked.

"I've actually been doing some past papers for maths. I've been working on trying to start all the questions. There's just this one that is really stumping me." I told him.

"Doing it in timed conditions or just working on exam technique?" He asked.

"I'm not timing myself yet." I said.

"Okay, what's the question?"

"It's a trig question. There's three triangles stuck together, and I have two angles, two sides, and I'm supposed to work out the sides of one of the other triangles." I told him.

"Send me a photo." He said.

"Okay, one second." I sent him a photo of it.

"Right, there's lots of ways to approach this." He said.

"I know, that's why I'm struggling, which is the right way? I know I could use pythagorous because there's a right angle, but if I added up the angles, I could get another angle and use a different equation. I'm scared of picking the wrong one." I said.

"There's no wrong way here as long as you get to the right answer. Which equation do you find the easiest to use?" He asked.

"Pythagorous." I said confidently.

"Then use that, and then check what information you have about that second triangle so you can pick another equation for after that." He told me.

"You're so smart, you know that, right?" I smiled, even though he couldn't see it.

"Shut up." I could practically hear his grin.

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