Chapter 31

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Josh's POV:

I was staying around Simon's house the night he came home. I was so excited to spend the night with him.

I got to his before him and his mum, so I sat on the doorstep waiting. When I saw the car pull up, I stood up, grinning at Simon.

Simon rushed out, throwing his arms around me as he jumped. I caught him, squeezing him tightly as I spun as around. He laughed uncontrollably, a sound I loved hearing.

I put him back down eventually, and we headed inside, up to his room.

"Your memory of our first kiss got ruined. This is a do-over." I grinned, taking his face in my hands and pressing my lips gently against his.

I felt him smile into the kiss as he wrapped one arm around my shoulders, the other around my waist. I could've kissed him forever, especially after last time when I thought that would be the only ever time I got to do it because I'd messed up.

"I love you." He whispered breathlessly, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you too." I smiled.

It was quite late in the day. Simon's doctor had taken a long time doing his rounds and getting the discharge paperwork. It was already 7pm.

"I think my mum said she was ordering pizza. Let's get changed now, and then we can eat pizza in bed. Maybe watch a movie?" Simon said hopefully.

"That sounds perfect, my love." I kissed his forehead.

"I could get used to that." He beamed, cheeks turning red.

"Then get used to it, I'm not going anywhere." I grinned. "Well, besides Spain, with you."

We got changed, but when I pulled my shirt over my head, I felt Simon's arms snake around my waist.

"Josh..." He mumbled sadly, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Your arms."

"I know, Simon. I haven't done it for a month now, though. And I did therapy. I'm okay, I promise." I said, looking down at the floor.

"I'm sorry you ever felt like you had to do that. I wish i hadn't been so hard on you." He said quietly.

"Don't you dare blame yourself, Simon." I turned to face him, caressing his face with one hand. "I treated you awfully. You called me out on it, as I'd expect you to. I would've been more upset if you hadn't. That would've made me feel like not only you didn't trust me, but you were scared of me."

"I'm still sorry." He whispered.

"You're banned from saying sorry. We aren't gonna be sad tonight, okay? As far as I'm concerned, this is a date night. And I want to spend it laying in bed with my boyfriend, enjoying each others company, not apologising for things that we can't change." I kissed his forehead.

"Boyfriend?" The corners of his mouth finally started lifting up into a smile again.

"What else would you be to me, silly? Unless you were hoping for fiancé." I grinned, watching in amusement as he blushed deeply. "No, no. You're right. It's too soon. We can elope tomorrow instead."

"Shut up." He buried his head in my chest.

"You're so fucking adorable." I laughed, clinging onto him tightly and kissing the top of his head.

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