Chapter 19

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Simon's POV:

I hadn't been to school in over a week now.

I'd never cried so much in my life. It's not like I wasn't used to being alone, but I'd gotten used to having Josh in my life. I'd started feeling like I could go to him with anything, and the one person I trusted with my issues turned out to be the one thing that hurt me more than anything else. He was the one I had been going to to make everything okay again, but I couldn't do that now.

I reread our messages, falling apart silently as I beat myself up for ever trusting him.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to get over this. I didn't even know if I could.

The one person who I'd let into my life and trusted with everything had betrayed me. I felt like a complete idiot.

How the fuck could I have let myself develop feelings for him? How could I have kissed him?

It was all I could think about. That kiss had meant the world to me, and now it was my greatest request.

I'd been so happy for the last few months, and now everything that had happened just meant nothing. Every time he'd ever flirted with me, complimented me, spent time with me, called me late at night.

It was all bullshit, just a joke to him. He was laughing about it with his friends, laughing at me.

He probably was still friends with them. He'd probably lied to me about not being friends with them anymore.

I was just a huge joke to him, and I always had been.

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