Chapter 10

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Josh's POV:

I sat outside the principals office, waiting for my parents and JJ's parents to arrive.

"Bet you're not gonna get in shit for hitting me since the school thinks you're troubled." He spat.

"For the record, they don't treat me any differently. They just level the playing field in exams. I'm not as privileged as you seem to think I am." I scowled.

"I couldn't care less."

"Boys, your parents are here. Go in there, and stop fighting." The receptionist sighed.

When we were all situated in the room, the principal cleared his throat to talk.

"JJ, you were the one who got hit. What happened?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"He flipped out on me while we were talking, and he hit me. That's all that happened." He said.

"You're leaving out the part where you called me, and everyone who has accommodations, assholes, said we were cheating on exams for having those accommodations and said we were probably faking it." I scoffed.

"Josh, is that true?" The principal asked, and I nodded. "JJ, what do you have to say about that?"

"He wound me up, I didn't mean to say those things." He shrugged.

"You didn't mean to? But just before we got in here, you said the school gave me special treatment. Did you not mean to say it that time, either?" I raised my eyebrow.

"JJ, I'm inclined to give you detention for the week. We take ableism very seriously." The principal said.

"And what are you gonna do to him? Nothing, right? Even though he's the only one who threw a punch?" He leaned forward in his chair, glaring.

"That is yet to be decided." He said.

"No, suspend me for a week. That's how long students usually get for fighting, right?" I asked.

"Josh, suspension goes on your permanent record." My mum interjected.

"I know, but I don't want to be treated differently unless it's the right thing to do. ADHD or not, I hit him out of anger, and that wasn't the right way to handle it. I should be suspended." I said matter of factly.

"Okay, JJ, detention for one week. Josh, suspension for one week. Starting from today."

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