Chapter 25

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Josh's POV:

Simon was in a far worse state than before. He was rocking violently now, hitting his head against the wall behind him while scratching at his forearms, screams of terror erupting from his throat.

This was terrifying. I hated seeing him like this.

I had to try something, anything to calm him down, or he was going to hurt himself seriously.

"Simon, Simon. Be careful of the wall behind you. Why don't we sit in the middle of the room away from the walls, so the scratching doesn't bother you?" I spoke loudly over him.

He shuffled away, screams diluting into sobs, tears running down his face.

"They're in my skin, I touched the wall, and they're in my skin. Get them out, get them out, please!" His voice crescendoed back into a scream.

"Tell you what I'm going to do, Simon. I'm very good with demons, I can get them to leave you alone. But I need you to do something for me. Stop scratching. They're getting upset because you're hurting them. If they're upset, I can't make them listen." I said softly.

"O-Okay." He nodded, tears still streaming down his face.

I mumbled quietly to myself, so quietly that Simon couldn't hear what I was saying. I mumbled complete nonsense, my hand stretched out in front of me and in front of Simon's chest.

I heard an ambulance siren getting closer.

"Simon, they said they'll leave, but on one condition. While they were there, they realised you were sick. They want you to go to the hospital." I told him.

"They want me to go to the hospital? And they'll go away?" He wiped his eyes, though he was still crying.

"Yes, they promised. And demons never break promises." I nodded.

"Okay." He mumbled.

"There's an ambulance outside, I'm gonna walk you out there, okay?" I said.

He nodded, and I walked by his side, monitoring him carefully to make sure he was still calm.

When we got there, the paramedics helped him in. I frowned as they put restraints on him, knowing how scared he must be.

As the ambulance pulled away, all I could do was pray.

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