Chapter 11

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Zerkaa: Hey x

Simon7: Hiiii x

Zerkaa: I want to tell you who I am so we can properly be friends x

Simon7: You do? X

Zerkaa: Yeah, but only if you want to as well, because I want to be able to hang out with you and stuff, and actually talk to you when we play games x

Simon7: I don't exactly make friends easily, and you're the only person who's never judged me, so you know I'd like that x

Zerkaa: Josh Bradley x

Simon7: Wait, but you're really popular? What the hell would you be doing being friends with me? X

Zerkaa: My friends are assholes, Simon. I got suspended because I hit one of them. They're dicks and I don't want people like that in my life, you're the sort of person I want in my life x

Simon7: Okay, I trust you x
Simon7: What were your friends saying to you? X

Zerkaa: That anyone with accommodations is an asshole, gets it easier, does better than everyone else in school because of it, and most of us probably fake it x

Simon7: What the fuck, do they know about you? X

Zerkaa: They didn't until I lost it at them, and even after when we were in the office, one of them was saying I'd probably get let off because of it x

Simon7: Well, you got suspended, so I'd think he should know that's not true x

Zerkaa: I had to ask to be treated like everyone else and get suspended x

Simon7: That's the most selfless thing I've ever heard x

Zerkaa: How is it? X

Simon7: Because most people wouldn't use their disability to get let off for stuff, but if the opportunity presented itself, would take it. You didn't. You insisted on being treated the same x

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