Chapter 13

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Simon7: Can I call you

Zerkaa: Are you okay? Xx

Simon7: Not really xx

Zerkaa: I'm calling you now xx


Josh's POV:


"Simon, what's going on?" I asked worriedly as he answered my call.

"I just got back from the hospital, I have schizophrenia." He said quietly. I heard him sniffle, and I knew he'd been crying.

"Oh, Simon. I'm so sorry. It's that what you were worried you might have?" I asked.

"Yeah, and I don't know what to do because now I just feel like a fucking crazy person." He choked out.

"You're not crazy, Simon. You're suffering from a mental illness, but not an untreatable one. It might take time, but at least they know what's wrong and can help you better now." I said softly.

"Everyone else thinks I am, though. There's not one person in the school who doesn't think I'm a freak." He said so quietly I almost didn't hear it.

"Hey, forget me already? I'm your friend, Simon." I said, and he laughed quietly, though he sounded sad. "I don't think that about you, and I'm sure there's others that don't, too."

"Thank you, Josh. You've honestly been an amazing friend to me." He said quietly.

"And I always will be, no matter what's going on with your mental health." I promised.

"Do you want to come over? I could use the company, and it'd be nice to spend time with you." He asked.

"Yeah, of course, just text me the address." I said. His text came through. "Okay, that's not far at all, I'll be there in ten."

"See you soon." He said, sounding a little happier now.

I headed downstairs after getting my shoes on.

"Josh, you're grounded. You know you can't go out." My mum sighed.

"Mum, please, my friend just got a horrible diagnosis, and he's really upset. He's actually a good friend, probably the best one I've had." I pleaded.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked.

"He's schizophrenic, and I'm the only person he's told. I know I'm grounded but I promise we won't go out, we'll just be at his house, and I won't stay too long." I promised.

"Okay, Josh. Be back in three hours? Does that sound fair?" She asked.

"It does, thank you." I smiled before leaving to walk to his.

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