Chapter 8

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Zerkaa: Hey, you weren't in school today x

Simon7: How did you know? X

Zerkaa: We have a class together x
Zerkaa: Are you okay? X

Simon7: I'm alright x

Zerkaa: Are you sure? X

Simon7: I got sent home, but I'm okay x

Zerkaa: What happened? X

Simon7: I wasn't feeling good x

Zerkaa: Oh no, why? X

Simon7: I couldn't concentrate x

Zerkaa: Something on your mind? X

Simon7: No it's just one of my symptoms x

Zerkaa: Ohh, of the thing you went to the doctors for? X

Simon7: Yeah, though I still don't know what it is, I'm still being assessed x

Zerkaa: What do you think it is? X

Simon7: I don't know, there's a few plausible things. I just know that one of them I'm really hoping isn't the one x

Zerkaa: I hope everything with it goes well x

Simon7: Thank you, me too. If I'm honest, it's really scary x

Zerkaa: No matter what it is, I'm sure it can be treated x

Simon7: It's not a physical problem. It's a mental one. There's no chance we find the right treatment before exams and stuff, I just gotta hope nothing bad happens in these next ones x

Zerkaa: What happened last time? X

Simon7: You heard about that?

Zerkaa: Trust me, I'm not judging you x

Simon7: I don't want to tell you right now, but one day, I might x

Zerkaa: Okay, I get that x
Zerkaa: But just so you know, you can trust me. I told you my issues, so I promise yours are safe with me x

Simon7: Thank you x

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