Chapter 9

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Josh's POV:

"How're things with your dare?" JJ asked.

"Pretty good, but I feel like a dick. He's helping me study, and he seems genuinely nice." I told him.

"Don't feel bad about it. It's not like he's exactly a normal person. Just reject him when the time comes, and stay friends if you like him that much." He laughed.

"It's not that I like him. He's just not a bad guy. I hate the idea of playing with his feelings when he doesn't exactly have anyone." I said.

"He doesn't have anyone because he's a fucking weirdo, Josh. Is that really the kind of person you want to associate yourself with?" Ethan raised one eyebrow.

"He's not a weirdo... he's just got problems." I said defensively.

"What's your problem? It's not that deep. He's weird. There's not an excuse for it." JJ's tone switched up immediately.

"Watch your mouth, Jide. He's not making excuses for it. He's got serious issues." I said firmly.

"Look, there's a bunch of kids with issues in this school, and as far as I'm concerned, they're all assholes. They get all this extra help on tests and then do better than the rest of us on exams because they got to cheat. He's probably faking it because he knows he'll get help." He scoffed.

"I'm one of those assholes! You just didn't fucking know it!" I exploded. "And for the record, I'm still failing! I'm failing everything, and I'll have no future because of my issues! Why the fuck would anyone fake that?! I'd give anything not to be like this!"

"If you care about him more than your actual friends, then fuck off so you can go cry about your problems together -" JJ spat, cut off by my fist slamming into his jaw.

"Go fuck yourself." I hissed, storming off.

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