Chapter 16

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Simon's POV:

"We should probably head to the next period." Josh said as we broke the kiss, face bright red as he averted his eyes from mine.

"Okay." I grinned, kissing him once more and getting my bag. We split off to go to our lessons.

All I could think about was the kiss. I had nothing else in my mind other than him. I knew I was getting feelings for him.

The rest of the day went by so slowly. But finally, it came to an end. I was excited because I knew Josh and I would call again tonight, as we had been doing for a few weeks now.

I thought we should probably talk about that kiss. I had feelings for him, and I think I'd had them for about a month now. Though I'd only really realised it on the day I opened up to him about my diagnosis, and he came over. It was what made me realise I could trust him.

As I was walking home, I felt two people clap either of my shoulders. I pulled out my headphones and turned around.

It was Josh's old friends, though I didn't know their names. I'd just seen them with him at times.

"Hey, Simon, was it?" The darker skinned boy grinned. "I'm JJ."

"Uh... yeah, why?" I asked nervously.

"Oh, please don't be worried. We just had something to tell you." The other boy said.

"So, funny story, right? A few months ago, we were playing truth or dare. Me, Ethan, and Josh. I decided to dare him to make the weirdest person in the school fall in love with him. And what do you know? You were the one who was chosen." With every word JJ said, it felt like my soul was being crushed in a vice. "I heard someone saw you two rather close in the library, and I just thought I'd let you know that that'll be the last time you two see each other, since he's done his dare now. I thought it would hurt less coming from me than him."

"That's not true..." I said quietly.

"Oh, it's true. But don't take it personally that you got chosen as the weirdest person in the school. You just have a reputation after getting pulled out of that exam and all. I gotta say, you don't look like the crazy type, but you can't judge a book by its cover." He shrugged.

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