Chapter 1

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Joshua's pov:

Oh shoot!

I'm late for the school!

Now I've to run to the school!

Here we go. I've transferred from my old school because of the environment which I don't like a lil bit let's not get into details. So today is my first day in this new school where I get late on the first day. I set my alarm for 5 in the morning. But this stupid alarm goes off. Great way of starting a day right?
Now I'm literally running to collect my things from the study table and shove it into my bag. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

Should I take the shower or not?

How stupid I'm? This is not time for debating Joshua, just cut the crap and take the shower. Finally I stepped into the shower and after 5 minutes I came out. I wore my uniform and tie my shoes.

Why do they have to make us wear uniform for school?

Shutup Joshua it's not the time for your over thinking. I tool my bag and ran downstairs. I saw my mum and dad sitting on dining table having conversations. I quickly approached them.

"Good morning mom and dad" I said while taking a sandwich from the plate.

Yeah my mum cook great food. I can't miss it at any cost.

"Good morning joshua" dad said while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Good morning baby boy" my mom said cheerfully.

"Mom I'm not a baby anymore" I huffed out.

I shoved the sandwich in my mouth and started running outside without waiting for her reply I know it's rude but hey don't judge my I'm already late for the first day of my new school.

Run! Run! Run!

I ran from my house to the school, thank God it was only 5 blocks away. I ran through the neighborhood; I wind was hitting my face and like every morning people were out for their morning walks and exercise. I can't believe first day of my new school I overslept. How I can be so stupid! This is what happens when you sleep late in night you stupid boy.

I was practicing my guitar in the middle of the night. I always do this because it is very quite and peace in night and it helps me to concentrate. I like playing guitar and my dad gifted me one 2 years ago when I was 16.

I'm infront on the schools gates and ran to my class according to my schedule. I took a glance at my wrist watch when I was in front of my class it's 8.20.

'Shit first day and already late. I don't want attention. Now I've to think an excuse and quick.' I thought and quickly enter the class. Now all the eyes are on me. Great!

"Yes? Who are you and what do you want?" asked a teacher looking in her mid forties staring at my face.

"Hello mam, my name is Joshua Williams and I'm a new student. I'm sorry for my tardiness but when I was coming to school a old lady was struggling to cross the road and I helped her because I think it's the right thing to do at that time.

"That's why I was late for my class and I need you to forgive me." I told the teacher, while there were some "awws" coming from the background. I figured it was the girls, falling for my emotional dramatic story.

"Okay Mr. Williams I forgive you this time but I should not happen again." she said while turning to the board resuming what she was writing.

"I promise you that I'll not let that happen again." I said and nod my head.

"Now if you are here then introduce yourself to the class Mr. Williams" she said while turning to me.

Crap! I hate introductions. I don't even want to know them so why introduce myself?

"Of course" I said with a smile and turned towards the students. "I'm Joshua Williams transferred here recently and 18 years old. I hope we get along" I sad with a fake smile.

"Are you single?" I girl yelled from the behind.

"Yes but I'm not interested in a relationship right now because I've to focus of my studies." few sighs of disappointment can be heard from the classroom.

"Okay Mr. Williams, take your seat wherever you want" the teacher said again turning to the board.

I started walking towards the back because almost all the benches were already full.

When I reached to the last bench and there was a girl sitting alone. She had her head down on the bench and it looks like she is sleeping.

I decided to sit beside her. As I sat on the bench the whole class started whispering. I turned confused. I raised my brow towards the girl who asked me if I am single or not. She saw me with concerned expression and turned her head back to the front.

What? What did I do?

"You can't sit here go away!" I heard from beside me. I turned my head and I saw the girl has woken from her sleep.

I noticed her features. She has blue eyes which is looking like they held oceans in them and a pointed nose with a nosepin. She has brown hairs till her waist tied into a ponytail and full lips. Her features are soft but hard. I can't pinpoint it what was it.

Stop staring Joshua.

"Hi I'm Joshua Williams and you?" I asked her and forward my hand for a handshake.

She glanced at my hand then at me and rolled her eyes.

"Which thing in 'you can't sit here,go away' you didn't understand?" she spat.

'How rude?' I took my hand back.

"Can't you say the same thing somewhat nicely." I asked her still not loosing my calm.

"Nicely my foot!" she said with the same intensity as before.

'Okay let's go somewhere else.'


So here's the first chapter I know I took a lot of time for it but I didn't know from where to start as it is my first book.

But now I've started it I will not take long time to post next chapters.

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& take care 🖤

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