Chapter 20

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Joshua's pov:


The bell rang and the interval started. We walked to the canteen and saw as usual crowd. Me and Brandon waited for the crowd to be lessen. We waited for few minutes and finally got the food.

"Finally I got it I thought today will be my no food day." he said wiping his fake tears.

We took our trays and started finding a table for us. Grace and Candice never come to have lunch in canteen. As we were standing in the middle of the room suddenly Stacey called me.

"Hey Joshua, here." she said waving at me.

I glanced at Brandon noticing if he is fine with sitting them or not. He nodded his head in approval. We went to their table and sat on it.

"What Joshua why you don't join us for lunch now." Stacey asked frowning.

"It's not like that." I said grimaced.

"And you find yourself a new friend." she said glancing at Brandon.

"Oh yeah he is my best buddy." I said smiling at him.

"We are going to a cafe after school, will you both join us?" she asked us.

"Yeah oof co-wrse." Brandon said his mouth filled with food.

I elbowed him in his side and said "First finish the food in your mouth."

He nodded like a duck and started chewing faster. "Yes we will, but can we bring our friend also?" I asked rendering Grace and Candice.

I know, I know they are not my friends.

"Um yeah sure." she said smiling more like fake smiling.

"Bro you have more friends except us you didn't tell me." Brandon whispered near me.

"I'm talking about Grace and Candice." I whispered in his ear.

"What are your both talking about?" Jane asked suddenly.

"Oh nothing just boys talk." Brandon replied. I mentally facepalmed.

"So you can tell me and Kevin." suddenly Jordan said.

"Nothing important." I said and kicked Brandon under the table.

"Oww bro it hurts." he hissed.

"It----" as I was saying suddenly Candice came and cut me off.

"Hey guys come fast." she said breathing heavily like she was running a marathon.

"What happened?" I asked confused with her behaviour.

"She-- Grace is fighting with a guy." she said taking huge gulps of air.

"WHAT?" Brandon yelled.

"Where is she?" I asked hastily.

"In the lobby." she replied back.

I didn't wait for the next conversation to unfold and ran towards the lobby. This girl don't know how to talk with mouth only talks with her punches and kicks. I reached there and saw crown enjoying the view I moved a little forwards and I saw she held the boy against the locker bumping his head in the lockers and punching him in the face.

"Grace stop it." I said coming infront side of her. But as always she didn't listen.

"GRACE I SAID STOP IT." I yelled and she stopped right immediately.

She made eye contact with me and I swear I saw something tears at the corner of her eyes. I hold her fist from which she was punching that boy and said "Let him go." She clenched her jaw at the mention of him and again turned to him. I held her back by holding her forearm. She turned to me and signalled me with eyes to leave her.

"No you come with me." I said and started taking her away from the scene. She didn't said anything and keep following me. I took her to the terrace of the school which was the restricted area for the students.

I'm breaking rules?

God what more she will make me do?

I stopped when I reached there and left get hand. I turned to her and asked "Why did you beat him?"

She keep staring at me without saying anything and a single tear fall from her eye. My eyes softened.

"Shhh shh don't cry you are my strong girl, right?" I said wiping her tear.

She moved her gaze to the floor and kept staring at it. I lifted her gaze up and asked her "What happened?"

She backed off from me and sat on the the bench near the gate of the terrace and kept staring at her hands. I went to her and again asked.

"What did he do?" I asked glancing at the side of her face.

"He-he said I'm not Grace, I'm a disgrace to my parents." she said sobbing.

"He said my parents are embarrassed of me that's why they never come to school to watch my progress." she continued.

"But why I beat him he told the truth they never come to my school." she said and chuckled.

"Shhhh listen to me." I said and hugged her but she didn't hugged me back.

"He said and you believed? What did he even know about you? Nothing right." I said swaying her back and forth.

"They never came because they can be busy in their work. There can be any reason for their absence but it should not affect your progress." I said to make her calm.

One thing I got to know she is sensitive on her parents topic.

I don't know about them.

So I didn't said much on this topic.

"And where is whatever girl, hmm? Who don't care about anyone or anything." I said and she chuckled lightly.

"See o think she wants to come out that's why she just chuckled." I sad grinning.

Suddenly she took her head out of my emvrace. And her no emotion face was back. Great! She wiped her face from her sleeves of shirt and stood up dusting her skirt. I got confused.

"What happened?" I asked confused.

"Nothing." she said and started walking off.

I held her wrist and she stopped. "What happened suddenly? Few minutes ago everything was fine." I asked frowning.

"Nothing, now the drama is over so you can go now." she spat.

"What with you rude behaviour again?" I asked getting annoyed.

"What? What's with it? That was always here." she snapped at me.

Okay! So now she is behaving like just a few moments ago she was not having a mental breakdown.

" Okay fine you can go." I said leaving her hand. She glanced at our disconnecting hands, then at me. I moved my gaze away from her and she walked away.


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