Chapter 52

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Grace pov:

We were waiting for Josh. It took him a lot of time just to take a phone from the locker. He didn't came back yet and now I'm getting impatient.

Suddenly I saw that bitch Stacey and her friends running searching for someone. When her gaze caught me she ran to me. What's with her? Did she participated in a marathon?

She stopped in front of me panting and breathing heavily. I watched her confused why she came to me. "J-Joshua." she said.

Not that bitch again behind my boy. "What?" I spat.

"Lucas and the s-seniors are beating Joshua v-very badly." she stammered out between her panting.

"WHAT?" I yelled. Anger coursed through my veins. How dare they even lay a finger at him.

I immediately ran towards the school Brandon and Candice running behind me. I hastily entered the school main gates and ran straight the crowd infront of me. I pushed all the students coming in my way. I don't care if I hurt them in the process. Cutting through the crowd I went in the corner and what I saw made me frozen at my spot.

There layed Joshua on the ground hid head bleeding, eyes closed and he was coughing blood and they all were kicking him mercilessly.

"STOP RIGHT THERE YOU BASTARDS!" I yelled them. Everyone stilled at their places. I felt extreme rage to break their hands and legs from which they hurted him. I ran to him and sat down on the floor.

"Josh." I called him and put his head in my lap. He didn't responded.

"Josh, open your eyes say something please." I again said panicking.

"How dare you even lay a finger on him?!" I threatened them again. Of he was not in this condition I would have showed them a living hell.

"J-josh please please open your eyes." I said patting my cheeks softly. Tears pooled in my eyes. I never felt in my life this much helpless. I can't hear what everyone was saying my full attention was on him.

"HELP ME PICKING HIM UP!" Brandon yelled at someone. I came back to reality.

Suddenly Jordan came from behind me and picked up Joshua with from one side and Brandon held him from the other side with the support of their shoulders. He groaned. "It h-hurts." he whispered slowly.

It hurted me more seeing him in pain. "I'll be fine you will be fine, Josh." I said to him but he went unconscious.

Kevin brought his car from the parking. Brandon and Jordan placed Joshua on the back seat of it. I also sat back putting his head on my lap. Brandon sat on the passenger seat and Kevin drove the car. My mind has stopped working. I don't know what to say and do. So I called Joshua's mom first. She received the call.

~His mom: Hello Grace.

~Me: Aunty.
(I whispered.)

~His mom: Yes what happened?

~Me: J-Joshua is injured.
(I stuttered out.)

~His mom: H-how what happened to him?
(She panicked)

~Me: Some seniors bullied him.

~His mom: W-where is he? I'm coming.

~Me: We are taking him to the xx hospital. Please you also come fast.

~His mom: Y-yes I'm coming right now.

(She hung up the call.)

In this duration we reached to the hospital. Brandon ran and called the helpers to take Joshua inside. The helpers came and took out Joshua from the car and out him on the strecher, taking him inside. I followed them. They took him in a room and closed the doors. Brandon and Kevin also came and sat on the waiting chairs.

I was standing there praying for his well being. After few minutes Mr. And Mrs. Williams also came. Extreme worry in their faces. Mr. Williams came to me and asked "How did this happened?"

"H-he forgot his phone in the locker a-and went back to take it and t-they hurted him." I said and broke down. I started sobbing Mr. Williams hugged me and patted my head comforting me.

"He'll be fine." he said assuring me but I know he is more worried than me.

After two hours doctors cane out Mr. Williams went to them hurriedly and asked "How is he now?"

"He is fine now but still unconscious. Thank God there is no internal bleeding. External bleeding is stopped and we took care of it. Just you have to wait for him gain consciousness and you can meet him." he patted Mr. Williams shoulder firmly.

"You should file a case against the bullies because it could be dangerous for your son." the doctor suggested and went away.

We waited for few more hours and when he finally gain consciousness the nurse informed us. We rushed inside on the room. Mrs. Williams started sobbing, Mr. Williams hugged her from the side.

"See what they did to my baby boy." she cried.

"M-mom." he called her whispering.

"Yes my son?" she asked bending her front near to him

"I'm not a b-baby anymore." she whispered again.

This made Mrs. Williams chuckled. "You will never change." she said to him.

Brandon went near to him and said "Her buddy you fool see how much you made your mother cry." she said playfully but sadness can be recognized in his voice.

Joshua rolled his eyes sassily at him. "I'd you would have been fine then I had shown you what I do to them who rolled their eyes on me." Brandon said smirking. Joshua again rolled his eyes and mouthed 'fuck you' towards Brandon which made his mom laugh. His dad glared at him but he smiled sheepishly at him.

He will never change.

"Hey friend get well soon. I know we are not that close but still you are a good person by heart." Kevin said sadly.

Joshua nodded his head at him. "G-Grace where is she? Didn't she came to see me?" he asked about me. Which made my inside tingle. He is still thinking about me.


"Yeah she was here." Mrs. Williams said and turned her head towards me.

"Why are you standing there in a corner?" she asked me confused.

"She is waiting for us to go out of the room so she can talk in privacy with him." he winked at me.

I glared at him. He turned his head away from my way nervously. "Is that so? Okay so we are going from here." Mrs. Williams said chuckling and all of them went out of the room.


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