Chapter 26

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Joshua's pov:

She kept gazing in my eyes and the intensity of the moment was very warm and loving. I gazed in her blue eyes which were matching with the colour of the ocean. Emotions swirling in her eyes. From this I got to know one thing she is not cold and emotionless she hides her emotions to show the people that she is strong but I know the little bay inside her is still there craving for some love and affection.

I never thought the girl whom I thought is a package of problem will give me my solace. I like when her interact with me when with other people she keeps her guards up. She had a mental breakdown infront of me and I saw a fragile and innocent baby in her.

Only I have saw this and I'm so proud of it that she is not afraid of showing her true emotions to me. What she want, if she is getting that from me then I'll give her that more and more. I don't care if she pushes me away but I'll give my best and spoil her with so much love and affection.


Is this love that I'm feeling?

That I want to protect her from everyone?

But how fast it can be happen?

But there is not any fixed time for getting in love, right?

I saw her beautiful eyes gazing at me. Hey open hairs flying here and there because of the blowing wind. I moved a trendil of her hair away from her face. If I compare my first day of school and today with her, it's feeling like a dream.

If someone on the first day of school would have said that I'll give love and affection to her just to see a smile on her face I would have laughed at it. But now when I've spent few months with her I got to know her and I'll treat her how she deserves it. She deserves the world to me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and asked her "Why would you did that?"

"What did I do?" she whispered gazing on my eyes.

"Why did you lied to Stacey?" I questioned her.

She moved away her gaze and avoided eye contact with me and said "I don't know."

"You know it Grace." I spat back.

"I don't why did I do that?" she again lied.

No one do anything without any reason.

"You do know." I accused her of lying.

"I don't know." she said.

"Grace." I warned her.

"What?" she snapped.

"Tell me." I demanded.

"I said I don't know." she again replied.

"Grace." I again took her name warning her.

"What?" she shrugged.

"Grace." I repeated.

"Stop it Josh." she gritted her teeth.

"Grace." I again repeated.

"I know my name, now stop it taking again and again."she spat.

"Grace." she get mad and stated struggling in my hold.

"Okay fine so I'm calling stacey and tell her I'm free so we can go for a coffee." I said shrugging.

"NO." she snapped her head at me and yelled.

"Why not?" I asked amusingly.

"Because you can't go with her." she spat.

"And why is that?" I asked raising my brow.

"Because I will not allow it." she said.

"Did I asked for your permission?" I asked the obvious.

"You will not go with her Josh." she gritted her teeth.

"Will you tell me the reason why?" I asked.

"No." she simply denied.

"Okay I'm calling Stacey." I said taking out my phone from the pocket.

She snatched it from my hand and gritted her teeth and said "You will not call that bitch."

"What's wrong with your Grace you are not telling me why not to go with her and not even let me calling her? "I asked confused by her behaviour.


I froze and she was glaring at me with her fists and jaw clenched. "YOU WILL ONLY TALK TO ME AND HANGOUT WITH ME, ONLY ME." she again yelled.

"Why?" I asked whispering not knowing what's going on.

"I don't know and I don't care I said what I had to." she said and moved her gaze away. I left her waist and backed off.

She snapped her gaze to me and her lips tugged down but she chuckled "Now you will also go away from, right?" she asked.

I got confused what is she even saying? "I know you are thinking I'm weird, take your phone and go away."

She threw my phone towards me I grabbed it and she turned around to the ocean back facing me and yelled "GO AWAY."

I walked to her and hugged her her from back putting my arms on her tummy and chin on her shoulder.

"Shh calm down I'm not going anywhere leaving you." I whispered in her ear.

She was watching in front of her the heavy waves hitting the shore and it was evening now. Sun was setting down and the sky turned yellow and purple.

"You are not weird don't even think like this you are very unique." I again whispered talking her one hand in my hand and rubbing circles on the back of her palm without thumb trying to sooth her.

"Am I?" she asked me like kids ask when their parents compliment them.

I chuckled a little and said "Of course do think I'm lying?"

She nodded her head in no and keep glancing in front of her. The sound of waves were soothing and relaxing.

"Let's took some pictures of is see how beautiful the sky is looking." I said suddenly to cheer her up.

She nodded and I gave her my phone she saw me confused so I gestured her to took photos.

She took the phone from me and raised it to the sky wanting to take the picture of sky but she was not reaching for a perfect angle so I held her both hands and lift them a little more to take a perfect shot.

After that we took some pictures of ourselves smiling, laughing and enjoying with some weird poses.


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