Chapter 35

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Joshua's pov:

Yesterday was a very beautiful day for me. The way Grace and I enjoyed together. She was behaving normal with me. I think now she is letting me in. Infront of me she started letting her guards down. She stopped pushing me away. I know I irritate her a lot but now she never lash on me like before. I never asked about her parents or family because somewhere I knew she is sensitive on that topic and I want her to tell me by herself.

If she don't want to then it's completely fine. I just want to make her feel special and warm. I want her to know her worth. That she is also wanted by someone and that someone is me. Yes, I want her in my life without any doubt but I don't want to make her uncomfortable so I never told her about it. I want her to know it by herself by understanding me. I know there is some reason that's why she is so cold and distant but that's her call to tell me.

As I inludge in my own thoughts I reached the school and entered the main gates. I went to the classroom and saw Brandon already at our bench. Candice and Grace at their bench talking to each other. I went to place and sat beside Brandon Grace turned her head back to glance at me I winked at her she rolled her eyes and turned back to the front.

"Candice thinks Grace 's changing of you. She told me her observations about you two." suddenly Brandon said from beside me.


"She really think she is started to being more considerate and noticed the changes in her after being with you." he continued.

"Isn't that what everyone says? Opposite attracts." I stated.

"I'll be glad if I can change her in some things only, else she is perfect." I admitted.

"Are you into her?" he said out of the blue.

Am I into her?

I know I like her but I like her in that way?

Of course I'm.

"Yes I'm into her." I admitted.

"But is she into you?" he again asked me.

"I don't know sometimes she shows that I have a chance but sometimes she completely turned off her emotions." I paused.

"It's very difficult to understand her." I stated.

"But how she is different with you from others completely shows she has something for you." he told his opinion.

"But I don't want to misunderstand her interactions with me into something which is not." I said unsure of my own words.

"Then time will tell what's gonna happen." he said shrugging.

"Hmm." I hummed.

Mrs. Smith came and started teaching and took out my stuff and started taking notes. As the time passed by half of the day went pretty fine.

Now it's Mr. Brown's class. He is our science teacher. He is a few of few words and it's fine for us. He don't yell like Mrs. Smith km small topics. But he held authority in his voice so one one can dare to defy him.

He came and started teaching us the new chapter about the growth of plant and flowers. He teach us every topic briefly about the chapter. After the long session of describing the topics he said "You students can understand this chapter more perfectly I decided to give you a assignment on it."

Some low groans erupted from the class but no one decided to say anything. "You have to pick a flower and cutting its every single different parts neatly stick and describe it on a chart." he stated strictly.

'It is sounding easy but is very difficult to cut the little inner parts of a delicate flower.' I thought.

"I am assigning two students as a pair for a project and no one change their partners." I sad leaving no room for argue.

Please don't give me someone annoying.

"I decided to assign them alphabetically, so I will take names and you will show me your project next week." he stated curtly and started taking names.

Brandon and Candice are together because of 'B and C alphabet'.

Mr. Brown keep taking names and some students were groaning because of their unwanted partners.

"Grace and----" I snapped my head after listening Grace's name. "and Joshua."


Me and Grace?

Do we have no one starting from H and I in our class?

Grace turned her head around and stare and me I grinned at her. She turned her head away. But she can't do anything now we are partners.

"Jane and Jordan, Kevin and Kelesty, Liam and Mia....." and Mr. Brown keep going. But I'm don't care anymore because I got a very suitable partner for myself. Brandon is also smiling lost in his own thoughts. What happened to this idiot now? I smacked him in his head.

"Oww bro what's your problem?" he asked rubbing his head.

"Why are you smiling to yourself like a creep?" I asked amusingly.

"Candice is my partner." he grinned.

"So what?" I asked confusingly.

"Now we both can spend some alone time in private." he smirked.

Now I understood where this all is going. "Bro you are assigned to work on a project now on your physical preferences." I said.

"We can do both." he winked.

"As your wish." I said not wanting to go into the conversation deeply.

After Mr. Brown dismissed the class he went away. And I wait for the school to get over so I can discuss about the assignment with Grace. If we have to finish it in a week we have to start it from today only.

After the school got over I went to the lobby and put my stuff into my locker and took my phone out from it. I called my mum and told her about our given assignment and that I will be late to come back home. She agreed easily like an amazing mom she is. I think we should discuss the project first or should we find flowers first? What will be better?

'You should talk to Grace first.' my inner voice suggested.

So that's it I chose to listen my inner voice and went to find Grace first. I know where she will be. I straightly went to the tree near the basketball court and bingo! Here she is standing with Candice and Brandon.


So, Brandon & Candice, Grace & Joshua are the partners for the assignment. I swear I didn't decided their names according to the alphabets when I wrote this chapter then I noticed this. So I took it as a plus point and make them assigned alphabetically.

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& take care🖤

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