Chapter 49

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Joshua's pov:

I took Grace to my room after having our lunch. She got a little emotional too after mum's sweet gestures because I know no one ever did that for her. And I love this side of her. When she express herself show her emotions that how is she feeling. Soft side of her which she not pretends to show that's her real self.

Currently we are sitting on my study table. She is sitting opposite to me. I noticed her features which are much more softer than before now her eyes shows emotions, her hair tendrils falling on her face, her full concentration on studying about flowers parts. One thing I more got to know about her that she is very brilliant in studies. When I didn't understood a topic she elaborate that for me. I was surprised how she knew everything when all she do is sleep in the classroom.

When I asked her that why she don't do better in class tests and examination and her reply was I didn't wanted to study because for whom she would study. But when I told her she should do everything for herself and not anyone. So now she is giving her full contribution in this project and she also said she will do better this time in exams because now she will do everything for her self and this statement of her made me proud of her.

As I was gazing at her dreamily she suddenly said "It's rude to stare at someone."

"But that someone is my girlfriend." I replied back.

"So what you can stare at her without her permission?" she asked raising her brow at me.

"Now I have to ask for her permission." I stated amusingly.

"Of course." she said playfully.

"Can I stare at you bellisima?" I asked her gently.

"No." she said blushing red hue covering her cheeks.

"Like I will listen to you." I replied sarcastically.

"Shut up Josh." she said ducking her head down.

She started working on the project so I also imitate her started doing my work. We cutted different parts of a flower and stick them on the chart. Deatailing and labeling the whole chart and after a lot of designing I put both of our names on the chart.


It took a whole day for completing it.

But it got completed in just a day that's the good thing because we both worked together.

Now we are free for the whole week.

I peeked out of the window which was just next to the study table and saw it was almost night past evening.

We went to downstairs and I saw dad is already at home. "Good evening dad!" I greeted him.

He raised his head towards me "Good evening son." he greeted me back.

His gaze moved to Grace and he was watching her instensly. I felt Grace became tensed beside me. "Who is she?" he asked me coming towards us.

Grace took a step back but I held her hand. She held my hand tightly. "She is Grace, my girlfriend." I told him.

Now he was standing in front of us. "You never told me about her?" he asked me. Her hands became clammy by now.

"Because she became my girlfriend today only." I told him.

He moved his gaze to Grace and she stiffed at her place. Is she scared of dad? Dad raised his hand and she flinched slightly but dad didn't noticed. He put his hand on her head and patted her head softly like she is a little kid.

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