Chapter 41

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Joshua's pov:

I gazed at her dreamily. She thinks I sympathize her because of her past but no she is thinking wrong I love her for who she is. How rude, angry and cold she is with everyone. How she tries to interacts with me even when she is a silent person. How she trusts me so much so that she told me her past without any hesitancy. She is the strongest girl I have even seen and my love for her is only increasing.

"What are staring at?" she asked me suddenly.

"You." I said slyly.

"It's rude to stare." she said rolling her eyes.

"Says who don't care about anything." I said smirking at her.

"Now you are annoying me Josh." she said annoyingly.

"Because I love to do it." I said coolly.

She punched me in my stomach. It hurted because she is strong. "Owww. It hurts." I said over dramatically holding my stomach like I'm in so much pain.

"Where? Did I punched you so hard?" she said in concern.

"Yes, you hitted too hard." I said hissing and saw her caressing my stomach.

"Yes do it properly." I said smirking at her. When I stopped hissing she moved her gaze to me and saw me smirking.

"So you were acting." she said raising her brow while folding her arms on her chest.

"Kind of." I shrugged.

She again punched me in my stomach with double intensity and this time it really hurted very bad.

"Owww it really hurts." I whimpered.

"Serves you right." she said and smirked at me.

"Oww please someone see this girl punched me in my gut and wants to kill me." I said towards imaginary audience dramatically like I'm standing on a stage.

"Stop acting Josh." she said laughing at me.

"Don't you laugh at me girl." I said pointing my finger on her.

"I will how much I want to." she said and laughed again at me.

I watched her smiling how beautiful she is looking when she laughs. Why can't she laugh and smile like this everyday. I want to see her like this for the rest of my life. She is looking ethereal.

She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes which gathered by so much laughing. "I never laughed this much in my life." she said when her laugh died down.

"And never I had saw someone looking this beautiful while laughing besides my mum." I said honestly.

She snapped her head gazing at me wordlessly. "Stop making me flustered." she said without hesitation.

"Okay." I sniggered.

"Btw how about first we clean the mess in your room?" I asked her pointing to the mess all over in her room.

She moved her gaze all over the room and then to me and nodded. We both stood of from the bed. I started cleaning her study table and she started arranging her clothes in the closet which were scattered on the floor. As I moved the chair which was above the table there was so much mess.

Who puts the chair on the table?

Of course, Grace.

When I putted the chair down I saw many scrunched papers on the table. Wow! I collected the papers from the table and went to put it in the dustbin.  When I was throwing the papers I saw so much food dumped in it. Huh?!

"Grace did you threw your breakfast in the dustbin today?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Hmm." she hummed.

"So what did you ate in the whole day?" I asked in concern.

"Nothing." she said and shrugged.

I snapped my head at her. I know she told me how she doesn't like the food which is given to her. She don't even eat in school, so what she eats in the whole day?

"We are going out for lunch, come." I said gesturing her to come with me.

"I don't want to." she said curtly.

"But you must be hungry." I stated.

"After cleaning the room." she said.

"We can discuss it later." I argued.

"No Josh, not now." she stated not leaving the room for argue.

"But after cleaning the room we will go. Okay?" I also told her clearly.

"Hmm." she said busy in her work.

I hurriedly went back to clean the table not wanting to delay more. I cleared some dishes from the table and pieces of glass also. What she thinks of her study table? A dustbin?

After clearing the whole table I cleaned the dust from it and arranged her books and study material. While she also arranged her closet. I went to the bed to fold the bedsheets she also came and started helping me keeping the pillows at their place which were laying under the bed. What a mess this girl creates! Then she started arranging the side table of the bed and I went to the couch and picked up the movie tapes from it and arranged them in their shelves.


When I turned around and roamed my gaze in the whole room it was clean and looking like a normal human's room. Grace picked up the dirty clothes and put them in the laundry. Now the whole room was looking perfect.

"Now it is looking nice." I sad grinning at her.

She nodded her head at me. What no thank you? Okay leave it.

"Now can we go for something to eat? At this point I'm hungry too." I said listening to the rumbling in my stomach.

"Okay." she said and started walking out of the room and I followed her.

When we went to the downstairs I saw the whole mess was cleared like nothing happened here something 2 hours ago. New vases and antiques were already placed there. How did everything got settled in just two hours?

"Money." Grace said while walking ahead of me.

"Huh?" I asked her confusingly.

"All the things cleared like nothing happened because they threw money on the servants and they did their work as fast as possible." she answered in unasked question like she can read my mind.

"I see." I said and kept walking behind her. We exited the door and started walking down the streets.


Usually when I visit to my bestie's house her room is always a mess. While she gets ready I arrange her whole room and fold her clothes. She don't even say a thank you🙂

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