Chapter 29

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Joshua's pov:

"What do you want to talk to me?" I asked the trio being confused.

"Wait for it, what's the hurry?" Dylan said smirking.

The trio went to a bench placed in that empty classroom and sat on it. And signed me to come and stand in front of them. I nodded and went infont of them.

"Don't waste my time and say fast, I have to be somewhere." I said getting impatient remembering Grace is waiting for me.

"Why are you in so hurry today?" Alex asked amusingly.

"Is that bitch Grace waiting for you?" Lucas said.

Listening to him, I snapped my head towards Lucas. "Don't say like that about her." I said gritting my teeth.

"What will you do? If I say so?" he asked raising his brow.

"Saying who got afraid infront of her." I mocked the trio remembering how their mouths sealed when Grace came infront of them that day.

The trio's jaws clenched and Dylan grabbed my collar pulling me towards him he spat " We are not afraid of her, Just because she is the daughter of school's trustee we have to respect her."

Grace is school trustee's daughter?

Why didn't I knew it?

"We saw you gave a rose to Grace. Planning to getting in bed with her Joshua?" Lucas said smirking.

I clenched my jaw listening to him how dare he say that such a disgusting thing about Grace? I shrugged my collar from Dylan's fists and charged towards Lucas punching him in the face.

The trio caught off guard and Lucas lost his balance from the impact making him fell down straight on the floor from the bench.

Serves you right!


Lucas stood up and charged towards me punching me in the jaw. I fell backwards hitting my head in the wall. Dylan and Alex also joined Lucas and trio kept hitting me. But they didn't punched or kicked in my face after the Lucas's punch someone there won't be any bruises to show. I can't fight the three of them together so they overpowered me.

After God knows how much time they stopped and Lucas spat "You were fighting for her, but can't  protect your own self." he scoffed.

"What do you think a badgirl like Grace will be with a weak person like you." Dylan mocked me.

"She is the queen of this school and you are not even her peasent." Alex said and the trio laughed.

"Start following our order Joshua or next time you will not be able to stand on your legs." Lucas spat and the trio left from there.

I don't even have the energy to stand up so I lay there for who knows how much time. Finally collecting a courage after a long time of laying there I sat up and slowly with trembling legs I stood up. Dusting my clothes I came out of the empty classroom and saw the corridor empty. It think the interval is over.

I went to the lobby watching here and there so one notice me roaming out of the class. I opened my locker and took out my spare shirt and went to the washroom. I washed my face changed my shirt. I watched my face in the mirror and their was a big bruise right on my jaw given by Lucas.


I have no energy to even walk but I have to. I put my dirty shirt in the locker which I will take home with me after the school get over. I went to my classroom and saw Mr. Brown was already there, teaching some formulaes.

I hesitated but nonetheless asked "May I Come in sir?"

The whole class attention turned to me. Mr. Brown turned to me, glanced at his watch and again raised his head toward me "Where were you the class started 15 minutes ago?" he questioned.

"Uh-uh I fell down from stairs so I was in the medical room, sir." I lied and found a excuse for my bruise.

He noticed my bruise on the floor jaw and nodded asking "Are you fine?"

"Yes sir." I nodded at him.

It's hurting very bad.

"Okay you can go and sit at your place." he sad and turned to the board again.

I started walking to my place and saw Stacey giving me concerned look, I nodded at her assuring it's fine. When I moved further I saw Grace staring at me with something in her eyes. I don't know what but the next moment she turned her gaze away from me.

Lucas was right she'll not be a with a weakling like me.

When I was passing their bench suddenly Candice whispered "Is it hurting Joshua?" she watched me in concern.

I smiled at her and shook my head in a no. She gave me a lip tight smile. O walked past her reaching to my place and sat beside Brandon.

"How this shit happened bro?" Brandon asked frowning.

"Nothing much I bumped in some student and fell from the stairs." I lied to him.

"But what were you doing there? We study on ground floor." he whispered.

"Nothing a teacher asked for my help to carry some books, when I was coming back so this happened." I don't know how fluently I can lie?

If mum would have heard this she surely beat the shit out of me.

"Did you get it treated?" Brandon again asked touching my jaw.

"Owww it hurts you idiot." I whisper yelled at him.

Grace and Candice turned their head listening my a little raised voice. I sheepishly smiled at them telling them it was nothing. They again turned to the front.

"Sorry bro sorry I was just checking." Brandon said apologizing.

"Okay but don't touch it again." I warned him.

He nodded like an idiot. He is really such an idiot.

"You know how much woried I was when you were not in the class. Neither even with Grace and nor with Stacey and others." he frowned.

"Yeah says who, who keeps secret from his best friend." I mocked him.

"W-what secret? What are you talking about? I don't know." he started blabbering.

"Yeah I saw someone making out in the abandoned class with a girl." I whisper yelled and Candice also snapped her head towards me.


Candice and Brandon uwuu😚😚

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