Chapter 10

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Grace pov:

I was alone for ever in my life. Yes, I have parents very rich and well reputated parents. In public and media they show how much of ideal parents they are only I know, I know the truth behind their big ass smile on their faces. How they show that they do care for me, love me and adore me. But in home they are monsters. That is not even a home it's a house where so many humans live under a single roof.

In that house there is Mr. Danielle Anderson and his wife Mrs. Julia Anderson and me a mistake, their so called daughter who is a burden on them and good for nothing. I'm nothing to them and they are nothing to me. But infront of media they show how much they love me. And in reality, they didn't even know in which school I study what I like and dislike.

They only knew how to make good reputation in front of the world. Expensive parties, expensive jewelry, expensive furniture, owning many of lands and properties, tours and vacations in different countries, meetings, business deals, partnerships, family friends, relatives, money, new cars, branded clothes these all are their priorities and still I'm in none of them.

See how much my parents love me?

They always reminds me I'm just only a mistake for them. They didn't even wanted me at first place. They said they were famous so the news of my birth spread like the fire so they didn't have any other option besides to keep me, otherwise they would have dumped me in some garbage. Now they are only spending their piece of money on me for the formality.

Fuck it I never wanted money.

I just needed affection from them.

Was it my fault I was born by a mistake.

You should have used protection.

Who cares?

Now I want nothing from them no love, no affection.

No punishment...

In past, when I didn't get love from them I started finding love and affection from outside of that four walls. But I didn't get it from there also. I don't even want to remember that phase of my life. But that phase made me strong, what I'm now.

I even got no friends to hangout with, except Candice. She is my childhood best friend since second standard. She is the only one who's with me in my good or bad, happy or sad moments.
I know for people out there she is a total bitch but for me she is a sister.

Best sister ever.

There was a time when I tried to push her away from me but she handled me very well and we are still together. She is always there for me and I know that without even saying. I'll always need her in my life no matter what's our age.

She lives here with her aunty because her parents were divorced and they send her away from their messed up lives, at least they think about her. Her aunty is a fine woman after her husband's death she submitted herself to her work. Day and night she only works so she don't get memories of her husband. So Candice and her aunt don't interact with each other that much.

Every weekend Candice likes to go clubbing with fake ID, because we are not at legal age.

But who cares? My parents, fuck no!

Me? fuck no!

Even if I get caught my lovely parents will show infront of the people like how much of sorry they are on the behalf of their only daughter and this will never happen again in future. But as soon we will get home back they will rain the hell on me.

I'm scared? Yes.

But will show them my weakness? No.

This is how I learned to live my life after all of those messed up situations. I was doing fine. Everything which happens, I was handling it in my way.

But one day I went to school like a normal day to attend same boring lectures as always. But I'm not interested in them.

Why should I study and plan for a better future when no body cares.

Besides my parents got a lot of money.

But for their so called reputation I've to come to school. I came and saw that same teacher what's her name? 'Mrs. Stitch or Mrs. Smith' whatever! So she was teaching her boring lecture in her annoying voice like always. Can't she teach while being mute, there is no need to open that mouth of hers.

I went to my bench where me and Candice usually sits. Candice is not coming, yeah because she's on a vacation with her aunty after so a long time. I sat on the bench, but in no mood to listen that Mrs. S----- whatever voice. So I put my head and the table and decided to take a nap.

After 10-15 minutes passed, there was a motion beside me I peeked from my arms and say a boy sitting there.

How dare he sit here without permission!

"You can't sit here, go away!" I said to him immediately.

I raised my head and he turned his head to me. He has brown hairs, brown eyes matching with his hairs, sharp jawline and puppy face. I noticed her was staring at me.

What dude!

"Hi I'm Joshua Williams and you?" He asked me and forward his hand for a handshake.

The audacity of barging in and asking for a handshake.

I glanced at his hand then at him and rolled my eyes.

"Which thing in 'you can't sit here,go away' you didn't understand?" I spat.

He took his hand back.

"Can't you say the same thing somewhat nicely." He asked me.

"Nicely my foot!" I said with the same intensity as before.

He thought something in his mind for few seconds and started getting up as he was about to walk then I said "Don't!".

He turned around to face me. "What?" he said.

"Don't go, you can sit here" I said in a monotone voice.

There is no place to sit in the whole classroom and Candice is also not here he can sit here. Not I'm dying for him to sit here.

"Why? are you bipolar? First you said go away and now you are saying don't go." he asked.

I don't owe him an answer.

My bench, my choice.

I stare at him for few seconds again noticing his boyish features.

You are staring Grace!

Isn't it obvious but who can stop me.

But look away without saying anything before he take my stare as something else.


Finally Grace's pov. Do you like it? what do you think about Grace? She let Joshua beside her is she being nice now?👀

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& take care🖤

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