Chapter 2

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It's finally 3:00, I'm about to graduate from the ROTC program. I don't see Bradley anywhere in sight but I do see Josh, and I also see my mom and my dad in the audience. I wave to them and smiled and I held my thumbs up. Mr. Hemmings starts his speech, but I tune out.

All I can think about it getting into the Air Force! Will there be hot guys? Will my abs be more noticeable? Will I be able to handle boot camp? I know these are pathetic questions to ask but I'm just so excited to have this whole new chapter in my life. And it's about to begin.

About 20 minutes later, I hear my name being called, I start walking over to the podium. Since I'm already done with actual high school and just doing college courses in the high school, I'm forced to say a speech. I wrote it all last night while listening to music, so therefore it might not be the best I could've done, but it's good enough.

"Do one thing at a time. Give each experience all your attention. Try to resist being distracted by other sights, sounds and people, other thoughts and tasks, and when it is, guide your mind back to what you're doing!" I recite John Walsh. "What I've learned in ROTC is to be a good leader, a good friend and how to handle life with all the core values. Integrity first, volunteer service, excellence in all we do and respect. Throughout these four years of my life, I've mastered these skills to make me the best self I could be.

Everyone claps, I can even hear some cheers from my parents and brother. My heart feels all warm and fuzzy. I don't really recall ever feeling this way, but I remember from some books I read that this resembles 'proud'.

When the ceremony is finally over, I get off stage and everyone hugs me, everyone is congratulating me on my success. Some people I don't know and others used to be my best friends. It's weird how so much can change in such a short amount of time.

When I reach my family, I give hugs to my parents, but my brother ignores me.

Joshy doesn't think this is a big deal because he finished his class a little while ago, but he has to finish up high school before he's able to go into the Army. And my dream is to be in the military. He doesn't have to go to college after high school because he's going for infantry, I'm going to be a doctor so I can help people. You have to go to college for four years before you can go into the Air Force as a doctor.

I give up on trying to get a hug from him and remember that I forgot my planetary science homework in the classroom.

"Hey mom, I'm going to go into the school for a second, I'll be right back."

I run into the school for the last time ever before I can go to an actual college.

I walk by the classes, peering into everyone because I want to remember these memories. Everything is empty because school let out an hour ago. I continue this and about to walk by 10th grade French where something catches my eye.

I stop and open the door and there is the slut of the school, Britney Boor, underneath my boyfriend. Tears instantly sting my eyes. And a sob escapes my mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry for interrupting"

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