Chapter 22

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 Phillip and I had a wonderful time today. We went shopping for wedding details, went to a small coffee shop then went back to the castle. It was the best day I've had in a while.

The prince, I mean Phillip, walks me to my room and bids a goodnight.

Inside, I flop in the bed and immediately fall asleep, praying the next day will be like this one.


My prayers were answered because the next day was wonderful. We are in the courtyard, had small talk, and walked around the gardens, learning more about each other.

"What's your favorite color?!" He shoots.

"Blue!" I hurry "what's your favorite animal?!" I shoot back in a rushed manner.

"Goat!" He answers just as quick as I had asked him.

This went on for hours. Probably around 5 PM, we stopped. It's weird how we can just pass time, him being a prince and all. I would think that he had things to attend and important things to discuss every day. But I guess not.

"I had a magnificent time with you today," I tell him truthfully. In all honesty, I wouldn't want to spend my day with anyone else. We have a lot in common, like how our favorite candy is air heads and how we both have a weird infatuation with seeing different parts of the world. Wow... I can't believe that for my whole life, I've dreamt of going into the Air Force but I end up here... I guess life can just take you through a full 360 sometimes... I hope some day I can still go in.

" I had a great time with you too" he answered, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up at him and smile. Our eyes make direct contact and therefore, I stand on my tip toes, and kiss his cheek.

"I'll see you at dinner" I smiled and shut my door. When my door was full shit and I was sure he wasn't directly behind it, I sighed "time to get ready".

I open my closet and look through everything I had. Man, it's time to go shopping, I tell myself. I spot a purple dress in the corner and put it up to me and look into the mirror. Perfect. The dress isn't very simple. It has embroidery around the neck, going down to my midsection. There's a slit in the middle of the dress, which shows some of my stomachs but not too much to be classy. I think it's appropriate. Next is shoes.

I ended up with silver heels and no jewelry. I really hate having to dress up every time we have dinner. Like, I don't understand why we can't have dinner in our PJ's and watch a movie in the lounge area. I just don't get it.

Once I'm done talking to myself, I go downstairs to fill my constantly hungry stomach.

I make it down 2 steps when I smell biscuits. Ooohhh this is going to be good. Phillip knows how much I love the bread here.

"Good evening, love," Phillip says. He's dressed in a suit which makes him look 100% sexier if you ask me. I just love it when men dress up.

"Evening" I answer back. I acknowledge the king and queen with a head nod but no words. They seem to like that better than when I speak. Figures.

We're all pretty much done with dinner when the prince stands up. "I have an announcement." He states matter-of-factly. He looks around until we make eye contact and that's when he smiles that evil grin of his. This is no good, I think to myself.

He walks hurriedly to me like he's in some kind of rush. "BRING IT OUT" He shouts. And that's when it appears... A cake, a cake the size of my house back in California!! It was huge! It has two little people on the bottom kissing next to a street lamp. It looks like the night because of the crescent of the moon and little black dots that I'm assuming their meaning to represent stars. Next to the waiter with the cake is the prince, on one knee... with a box, that holds a ring. "Will You Marry Me?" He asks. He eyes search for mine but I don't meet his. What do I say? It seems like everyone is staring at us. Probably cause they are but c'mon, give us some privacy. I sigh. I don't want to screw up my life by this.

"I don't know." And that's when I go running off. Why? I don't know, but I did. I took off like a bullet. I'm pretty sure I can still hear him calling my name but I don't care. I need to get away from here as fast as possible.

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